Internet Shakespeare Editions

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  • Title: Henry VI, Part 1 (Folio 1, 1623)

  • Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Henry VI, Part 1 (Folio 1, 1623)

    The first Part of Henry the Sixt.
    2880Must be companion of his Nuptiall bed.
    And therefore Lords, since he affects her most,
    Most of all these reasons bindeth vs,
    In our opinions she should be preferr'd.
    For what is wedlocke forced? but a Hell,
    2885An Age of discord and continuall strife,
    Whereas the contrarie bringeth blisse,
    And is a patterne of Celestiall peace.
    Whom should we match with Henry being a King,
    But Margaret, that is daughter to a King:
    2890Her peerelesse feature, ioyned with her birth,
    Approues her fit for none, but for a King.
    Her valiant courage, and vndaunted spirit,
    (More then in women commonly is seene)
    Will answer our hope in issue of a King.
    2895For Henry, sonne vnto a Conqueror,
    Is likely to beget more Conquerors,
    If with a Lady of so high resolue,
    (As is faire Margaret) he be link'd in loue.
    Then yeeld my Lords, and heere conclude with mee,
    2900That Margaret shall be Queene, and none but shee.
    King. Whether it be through force of your report,
    My Noble Lord of Suffolke: Or for that
    My tender youth was neuer yet attaint
    With any passion of inflaming Ioue,
    2905I cannot tell: but this I am assur'd,

    I feele such sharpe dissention in my breast,
    Such fierce alarums both of Hope and Feare,
    As I am sicke with working of my thoughts.
    Take therefore shipping, poste my Lord to France,
    2910Agree to any couenants, and procure
    That Lady Margaret do vouchsafe to come
    To crosse the Seas to England, and be crown'd
    King Henries faithfull and annointed Queene.
    For your expences and sufficient charge,
    2915Among the people gather vp a tenth.
    Be gone I say, for till you do returne,
    I rest perplexed with a thousand Cares.
    And you (good Vnckle) banish all offence:
    If you do censure me, by what you were,
    2920Not what you are, I know it will excuse
    This sodaine execution of my will.
    And so conduct me, where from company,
    I may reuolue and ruminate my greefe. Exit.
    Glo. I greefe I feare me, both at first and last.
    2925 Exit Glocester.
    Suf. Thus Suffolke hath preuail'd, and thus he goes
    As did the youthfull Paris once to Greece,
    With hope to finde the like euent in loue,
    But prosper better than the Troian did:
    2930Margaret shall now be Queene, and rule the King:
    But I will rule both her, the King, and Realme. Exit

