359 Enter Gloster, with his Seruing-men. 360 Glost. I am come to
suruey the Tower this day;
Henries death, I feare there is Conueyance:
362Where be the
se Warders,
that they wait not here?
363Open the Gates,
Gloster that calls.
364 1. Warder. Who's there,
that knocks
so imperiou
? 365 Glost. 1. Man. It is the Noble Duke of Glo
366 2. Warder. Who ere he be,
you may not be let in.
367 1. Man. Villaines,
swer you
so the Lord Prote
368 1. Warder. The Lord prote
ct him,
so we an
swer him,
369We doe no otherwi
se then wee are will'd.
370 Glost. Who willed you?
or who
se will
stands but mine?
371There's none Prote
ctor of the Realme,
but I:
372Breake vp the Gates, Ile be your warrantize;
373Shall I be
flowted thus by dunghill Groomes
? 374 Glosters men rush at the Tower Gates, and Wooduile 375 the Lieutenant speakes within. 376 Wooduile. What noy
se is this? what Traytors haue
378 Glost. Lieutenant,
is it you who
se voyce I heare?
379Open the Gates, here's
Gloster that would enter.
380 Wooduile. Haue patience Noble Duke,
I may not open,
381The Cardinall of Winche
ster forbids:
382From him I haue expre
sse commandement,
383That thou nor none of thine
shall be let in.
384 Glost. Faint-hearted
st him 'fore me?
Winchester, that haughtie Prelate,
Henry our late Soueraigne ne're could brooke?
387Thou art no friend to God,
or to the King:
388Open the Gates,
or Ile
shut thee out
389 Seruingmen. Open the Gates vnto the Lord Prote
390Or wee'le bur
st them open,
if that you come not quickly.
391 Enter to the Protector at the Tower Gates, Winchester 392 and his men in Tawney Coates. 393 Winchest. How now ambitious
what meanes
395 Glost. Piel'd Prie
st, doo'
st thou command me to be
397 Winch. I doe, thou mo
st v
surping Proditor,
398And not Prote
ctor of the King or Realme.
399 Glost. Stand back thou manife
st Con
400Thou that contriued'
st to murther our dead Lord,
401Thou that giu'
st Whores Indulgences to
402Ile canuas thee in thy broad Cardinalls Hat,
403If thou proceed in this thy in
404 Winch. Nay,
stand thou back, I will not budge a foot:
405This be Dama
scus, be thou cur
slay thy Brother
if thou wilt.
407 Glost. I will not
slay thee, but Ile driue thee back:
408Thy Scarlet Robes, as a Childs bearing Cloth,
409Ile v
to carry thee out of this place.
410 Winch. Doe what thou dar'
st, I beard thee to thy
412 Glost. What? am I dar'd, and bearded to my face
? 413Draw men, for all this priuiledged place,
414Blew Coats to Tawny Coats. Prie
beware your Beard,
415I meane to tugge it,
and to cu
ffe you
416Vnder my feet I
stampe thy Cardinalls Hat:
spight of Pope,
or dignities of Church,
418Here by the Cheekes Ile drag thee vp and downe.
419 Winch. Gloster, thou wilt an
swere this before the
421 Glost. Winche
ster Goo
I cry,
a Rope,
a Rope.
422Now beat them hence,
why doe you let them
423Thee Ile cha
se hence,
thou Wolfe in Sheepes array.
424Out Tawney-Coates,
out Scarlet Hypocrite.
425 Here Glosters men beat out the Cardinalls men, 426 and enter in the hurly-burly the Maior 427of London, and his Officers. 428 Maior. Fye Lords,
that you being
supreme Magi
429Thus contumeliou
should breake the Peace.
430 Glost. Peace Maior, thou know'
st little of my wrongs:
that regards nor God nor King,
432Hath here di
strayn'd the Tower to his v
433 Winch. Here's
a Foe to Citizens,
434One that
still motions Warre,
and neuer Peace,
435O're-charging your free Pur
ses with large Fines;
seekes to ouerthrow Religion,
se he is Prote
ctor of the Realme;
438And would haue Armour here out of the Tower,
439To Crowne him
selfe King,
sse the Prince.
440 Glost. I will not an
swer thee with words, but blowes.
441 Here they skirmish againe. 442 Maior. Naught re
sts for me,
in this tumultuous
443But to make open Proclamation.
444Come O
as lowd as e're thou can
445 All manner of men, assembled here in Armes this day,
446against Gods Peace and the Kings, wee charge and command 447you, in his Highnesse Name, to repayre to your seuerall dwel- 448ling places, and not to weare, handle, or vse any Sword, Wea- 449pon,
or Dagger hence-forward, vpon paine of death.
450 Glost. Cardinall,
Ile be no breaker of the Law:
451But we
shall meet,
and breake our minds at large.
452 Winch. Gloster,
wee'le meet to thy co
st, be
453Thy heart-blood I will haue for this dayes worke
. 454 Maior. Ile call for Clubs,
if you will not away:
455This Cardinall's more haughtie then the Deuill.
456 Glost. Maior farewell: thou doo'
st but what thou
458 Winch. Abhominable
guard thy Head,
459For I intend to haue it ere long.
Exeunt. 460 Maior. See the Coa
st clear'd, and then we will depart.
461Good God,
se Nobles
stomacks beare,
462I my
fight not once in fortie yeere
. Exeunt.