Not Peer Reviewed
- Edition: Henry VI, Part 1
Henry VI, Part 1 (Folio 1, 1623)
- Texts of this edition
- Facsimiles
771 Enter Talbot, Bedford, Burgundie.
773Whose pitchy Mantle ouer-vayl'd the Earth.
776And here aduance it in the Market-Place,
777The middle Centure of this cursed Towne.
778Now haue I pay'd my Vow vnto his Soule:
779For euery drop of blood was drawne from him,
781And that hereafter Ages may behold
782What ruine happened in reuenge of him,
785Vpon the which, that euery one may reade,
786Shall be engrau'd the sacke of Orleance,
787The trecherous manner of his mournefull death,
788And what a terror he had beene to France.
789But Lords, in all our bloudy Massacre,
790I muse we met not with the Dolphins Grace,
791His new-come Champion, vertuous Ioane of Acre,
792Nor any of his false Confederates.
795They did amongst the troupes of armed men,
796Leape o're the Walls for refuge in the field.
800When Arme in Arme they both came swiftly running,
801Like to a payre of louing Turtle-Doues,
802That could not liue asunder day or night.
803After that things are set in order here,
804Wee'le follow them with all the power we haue.
805 Enter a Messenger.
807Call ye the Warlike Talbot, for his Acts
808So much applauded through the Realme of France?
811With modestie admiring thy Renowne,
817Will turne vnto a peacefull Comick sport,
818When Ladyes craue to be encountred with.
821Could not preuayle with all their Oratorie,
822Yet hath a Womans kindnesse ouer-rul'd:
823And therefore tell her, I returne great thankes,
825Will not your Honors beare me company?
828Are often welcommest when they are gone.
830I meane to proue this Ladyes courtesie.
831Come hither Captaine, you perceiue my minde.
832 Whispers.
833 Capt. I doe my Lord, and meane accordingly.
834 Exeunt.