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  • Title: The Merry Wives of Windsor (Quarto 1, 1602)

  • Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Not Peer Reviewed

    The Merry Wives of Windsor (Quarto 1, 1602)

    A pleasant Comedie, of
    Weele set her a worke in this businesse.
    Mis. Pa. O sheele serue excellent.
    Now you come to see my daughter An I am sure.
    Quic. I forsooth that is my comming.
    700Mis. Pa. Come go in with me. Come Mis. Ford.
    700.1Mis. For. I follow you Mistresse Page.
    Exit Mistresse Ford, Mis. Page, and Quickly.
    For. M. Page did you heare what these fellowes(said?
    Pa. Yes M. Ford, what of that sir?
    705For. Do you thinke it is true that they told vs?
    705.1Pa. No by my troth do I not,
    I rather take them to be paltry lying knaues,
    Such as rather speakes of enuie,
    Then of any certaine they haue
    705.5Of any thing. And for the knight, perhaps
    He hath spoke merrily, as the fashion of fat men
    Are: But should he loue my wife,
    Ifaith Ide turne her loose to him:
    And what he got more of her,
    705.10Then ill lookes, and shrowd words,
    Why let me beare the penaltie of it.
    For. Nay I do not mistrust my wife,
    Yet Ide be loth to turne them together,
    A man may be too confident.
    719.1Enter Host and Shallow.
    Pa. Here comes my ramping host of the garter,
    Ther's either licker in his hed, or mony in his purse,
    That he lookes so merily. Now mine Host?
    Host. God blesse you my bully rookes, God blesse(you.
    Cauelera Iustice I say.
    Shal. At hand mine host, at hand. M. Ford god den( to you.
    728.1God den an twentie good M. Page.
    I tell