Peer Reviewed
- Edition: Troilus and Cressida
Troilus and Cressida (Folio 1, 1623)
- Texts of this edition
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455des, Menelaus, with others.
456Agam. Princes:
457What greefe hath set the Iaundies on your cheekes?
458The ample proposition that hope makes
459In all designes, begun on earth below
464Tortiue and erant from his course of growth.
465Nor Princes, is it matter new to vs,
468Sith euery action that hath gone before,
469Whereof we haue Record, Triall did draw
470Bias and thwart, not answering the ayme:
471And that vnbodied figure of the thought
473Do you with cheekes abash'd, behold our workes,
475But the protractiue trials of great Ioue,
478In Fortunes loue: for then, the Bold and Coward,
481But in the Winde and Tempest of her frowne,
483Puffing at all, winnowes the light away;
485Lies rich in Vertue, and vnmingled.
488Thy latest words.
489In the reproofe of Chance,
490Lies the true proofe of men: The Sea being smooth,
492Vpon her patient brest, making their way
493With those of Nobler bulke?
495The gentle Thetis, and anon behold
496The strong ribb'd Barke through liquid Mountaines cut,
497Bounding betweene the two moyst Elements
500Co-riual'd Greatnesse? Either to harbour fled,
502Doth valours shew, and valours worth diuide
503In stormes of Fortune.
504For, in her ray and brightnesse,
505The Heard hath more annoyance by the Brieze
506Then by the Tyger: But, when the splitting winde
507Makes flexible the knees of knotted Oakes,
509The thing of Courage,
510As rowz'd with rage, with rage doth sympathize,
512Retyres to chiding Fortune.
513Vlys. Agamemnon:
514Thou great Commander, Nerue, and Bone of Greece,
516In whom the tempers, and the mindes of all
¶ And
Troylus and Cressida.
522As Agamemnon and the hand of Greece
524As venerable Nestor (hatch'd in Siluer)
525Should with a bond of ayre, strong as the Axletree
526In which the Heauens ride, knit all Greekes eares
527To his experienc'd tongue: yet let it please both
531Diuide thy lips; then we are confident
538And looke how many Grecian Tents do stand
540When that the Generall is not like the Hiue,
541To whom the Forragers shall all repaire,
542What Hony is expected? Degree being vizarded,
544The Heauens themselues, the Planets, and this Center,
545Obserue degree, priority, and place,
548And therefore is the glorious Planet Sol
549In noble eminence, enthron'd and sphear'd
552And postes like the Command'ment of a King,
553Sans checke, to good and bad. But when the Planets
554In euill mixture to disorder wander,
555What Plagues, and what portents, what mutiny?
556What raging of the Sea? shaking of Earth?
557Commotion in the Windes? Frights, changes, horrors,
558Diuert, and cracke, rend and deracinate
559The vnity, and married calme of States
561(Which is the Ladder to all high designes)
562The enterprize is sicke. How could Communities,
563Degrees in Schooles, and Brother-hoods in Cities,
564Peacefull Commerce from diuidable shores,
565The primogenitiue, and due of Byrth,
566Prerogatiue of Age, Crownes, Scepters, Lawrels,
567(But by Degree) stand in Authentique place?
568Take but Degree away, vn-tune that string,
569And hearke what Discord followes: each thing meetes
570In meere oppugnancie. The bounded Waters,
571Should lift their bosomes higher then the Shores,
573Strength should be Lord of imbecility,
575Force should be right, or rather, right and wrong,
578Then euery thing includes it selfe in Power,
579Power into Will, Will into Appetite,
580And Appetite (an vniuersall Wolfe,
581So doubly seconded with Will, and Power)
584Great Agamemnon:
586Followes the choaking:
587And this neglection of Degree, is it
588That by a pace goes backward in a purpose
589It hath to climbe. The Generall's disdain'd
590By him one step below; he, by the next,
593Of his Superiour, growes to an enuious Feauer
594Of pale, and bloodlesse Emulation.
595And 'tis this Feauer that keepes Troy on foote,
596Not her owne sinewes. To end a tale of length,
599The Feauer, whereof all our power is sicke.
601What is the remedie?
602Vlys. The great Achilles, whom Opinion crownes,
604Hauing his eare full of his ayery Fame,
605Growes dainty of his worth, and in his Tent
607Vpon a lazie Bed, the liue-long day
609And with ridiculous and aukward action,
610(Which Slanderer, he imitation call's)
611He Pageants vs. Sometime great Agamemnon,
612Thy toplesse deputation he puts on;
614Lies in his Ham-string, and doth thinke it rich
615To heare the woodden Dialogue and sound
619'Tis like a Chime a mending. With tearmes vnsquar'd,
620Which from the tongue of roaring Typhon dropt,
622The large Achilles (on his prest-bed lolling)
624Cries excellent, 'tis Agamemnon iust.
627That's done, as neere as the extreamest ends
628Of paralels; as like, as Vulcan and his wife,
629Yet god Achilles still cries excellent,
631Arming to answer in a night-Alarme,
634And with a palsie fumbling on his Gorget,
635Shake in and out the Riuet: and at this sport
636Sir Valour dies; cries, O enough Patroclus,
639All our abilities, gifts, natures, shapes,
640Seuerals and generals of grace exact,
641Atchieuments, plots, orders, preuentions,
647With an Imperiall voyce, many are infect:
648Aiax is growne selfe-will'd, and beares his head
649In such a reyne, in full as proud a place
650As broad Achilles, and keepes his Tent like him;
Troylus and Cressida.
654To match vs in comparisons with durt,
656How ranke soeuer rounded in with danger.
657Vlys. They taxe our policy, and call it Cowardice,
658Count Wisedome as no member of the Warre,
660But that of hand: The still and mentall parts,
663Of their obseruant toyle, the Enemies waight,
664Why this hath not a fingers dignity:
665They call this Bed-worke, Mapp'ry, Closset-Warre:
666So that the Ramme that batters downe the wall,
668They place before his hand that made the Engine,
670By Reason guide his execution.
675Aga. What would you 'fore our Tent?
676AEne. Is this great Agamemnons Tent, I pray you?
677Aga. Euen this.
678AEne. May one that is a Herald, and a Prince,
679Do a faire message to his Kingly eares?
681'Fore all the Greekish heads, which with one voyce
682Call Agamemnon Head and Generall.
685Know them from eyes of other Mortals?
686Aga. How?
687AEne. I: I aske, that I might waken reuerence,
688And on the cheeke be ready with a blush
690The youthfull Phoebus:
691Which is that God in office guiding men?
692Which is the high and mighty Agamemnon?
694Are ceremonious Courtiers.
695AEne. Courtiers as free, as debonnaire; vnarm'd,
696As bending Angels: that's their Fame, in peace:
697But when they would seeme Souldiers, they haue galles,
700Peace Troyan, lay thy finger on thy lips,
703But what the repining enemy commends,
706AEne. I Greeke, that is my name.
708AEne. Sir pardon, 'tis for Agamemnons eares.
709Aga. He heares nought priuatly
710That comes from Troy.
712I bring a Trumpet to awake his eare,
714And then to speake.
715Aga. Speake frankely as the winde,
716It is not Agamemnons sleeping houre;
717That thou shalt know Troyan he is awake,
719AEne. Trumpet blow loud,
721And euery Greeke of mettle, let him know,
723The Trumpets sound.
724We haue great Agamemnon heere in Troy,
725A Prince calld Hector, Priam is his Father:
726Who in this dull and long-continew'd Truce
727Is rusty growne. He bad me take a Trumpet,
730That holds his Honor higher then his ease,
732That knowes his Valour, and knowes not his feare,
734(With truant vowes to her owne lips he loues)
735And dare avow her Beauty, and her Worth,
736In other armes then hers: to him this Challenge.
737Hector, in view of Troyans, and of Greekes,
738Shall make it good, or do his best to do it.
739He hath a Lady, wiser, fairer, truer,
740Then euer Greeke did compasse in his armes,
741And will to morrow with his Trumpet call,
742Midway betweene your Tents, and walles of Troy,
743To rowze a Grecian that is true in loue.
745If none, hee'l say in Troy when he retyres,
746The Grecian Dames are sun-burnt, and not worth
750We left them all at home: But we are Souldiers,
751And may that Souldier a meere recreant proue,
752That meanes not, hath not, or is not in loue:
753If then one is, or hath, or meanes to be,
757But if there be not in our Grecian mould,
759To answer for his Loue; tell him from me,
760Ile hide my Siluer beard in a Gold Beauer,
761And in my Vantbrace put this wither'd brawne,
762And meeting him, wil tell him, that my Lady
763Was fayrer then his Grandame, and as chaste
764As may be in the world: his youth in flood,
765Ile pawne this truth with my three drops of blood.
767Vlys. Amen.
769Let me touch your hand:
771Achilles shall haue word of this intent,
772So shall each Lord of Greece from Tent to Tent:
775Manet Vlysses, and Nestor.
778Vlys. I haue a young conception in my braine,
780Nest. What is't?
781Ulysses. This 'tis:
782Blunt wedges riue hard knots: the seeded Pride
783That hath to this maturity blowne vp
¶2 In
Troylus and Cressida.
784In ranke Achilles, must or now be cropt,
786To ouer-bulke vs all.
787Nest. Wel, and how?
789How euer it is spred in general name,
790Relates in purpose onely to Achilles.
793And in the publication make no straine,
794But that Achilles, were his braine as barren
795As bankes of Lybia, though (Apollo knowes)
796'Tis dry enough, wil with great speede of iudgement,
798Pointing on him.
802If not Achilles; though't be a sportfull Combate,
803Yet in this triall, much opinion dwels.
806Our imputation shall be oddely poiz'd
809Of good or bad, vnto the Generall:
813Of things to come at large. It is suppos'd,
816Makes Merit her election, and doth boyle
817As 'twere, from forth vs all: a man distill'd
818Out of our Vertues; who miscarrying,
819What heart from hence receyues the conqu'ring part
821Which entertain'd, Limbes are in his instruments,
822In no lesse working, then are Swords and Bowes
823Directiue by the Limbes.
825Therefore 'tis meet, Achilles meet not Hector:
827And thinke perchance they'l sell: If not,
830That euer Hector and Achilles meete:
831For both our Honour, and our Shame in this,
832Are dogg'd with two strange Followers.
835(Were he not proud) we all should weare with him:
836But he already is too insolent,
837And we were better parch in Affricke Sunne,
840Why then we did our maine opinion crush
841In taint of our best man. No, make a Lott'ry,
842And by deuice let blockish Aiax draw
844Giue him allowance as the worthier man,
845For that will physicke the great Myrmidon
846Who broyles in lowd applause, and make him fall
847His Crest, that prouder then blew Iris bends.
849Wee'l dresse him vp in voyces: if he faile,
850Yet go we vnder our opinion still,
851That we haue better men. But hit or misse,
853Aiax imploy'd, pluckes downe Achilles Plumes.
855And I wil giue a taste of it forthwith
856To Agamemnon, go we to him straight:
857Two Curres shal tame each other, Pride alone