Internet Shakespeare Editions

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  • Title: Troilus and Cressida (Folio 1, 1623)
  • Editor: William Godshalk
  • ISBN: 1-55058-301-8

    Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Editor: William Godshalk
    Peer Reviewed

    Troilus and Cressida (Folio 1, 1623)

    Troylus and Cressida.
    lookes, and how he goes. O admirable youth! he ne're
    saw three and twenty. Go thy way Troylus, go thy way,
    had I a sister were a Grace, or a daughter a Goddesse, hee
    should take his choice. O admirable man! Paris? Paris
    395is durt to him, and I warrant, Helen to change, would
    giue money to boot.

    Enter common Souldiers.

    Cres. Heere come more.
    Pan. Asses, fooles, dolts, chaffe and bran, chaffe and
    400bran; porredge after meat. I could liue and dye i'th'eyes
    of Troylus. Ne're looke, ne're looke; the Eagles are gon,
    Crowes and Dawes, Crowes and Dawes: I had rather be
    such a man as Troylus, then Agamemnon, and all Greece.
    Cres. There is among the Greekes Achilles, a better
    405man then Troylus.
    Pan. Achilles? a Dray-man, a Porter, a very Camell.
    Cres. Well, well.
    Pan. Well, well? Why haue you any discretion? haue
    you any eyes? Do you know what a man is? Is not birth,
    410b auty, good shape, discourse, manhood, learning, gen-
    tlenesse, vertue, youth, liberality, and so forth: the Spice,
    and salt that seasons a man?
    Cres. I, a minc'd man, and then to be bak'd with no Date
    in the pye, for then the mans dates out.
    415Pan. You are such another woman, one knowes not
    at what ward you lye.
    Cres. Vpon my backe, to defend my belly; vpon my
    wit, to defend my wiles; vppon my secrecy, to defend
    mine honesty; my Maske, to defend my beauty, and you
    420to defend all these: and at all these wardes I lye at, at a
    thousand watches.
    Pan. Say one of your watches.
    Cres. Nay Ile watch you for that, and that's one of
    the cheefest of them too: If I cannot ward what I would
    425not haue hit, I can watch you for telling how I took the
    blow, vnlesse it swell past hiding, and then it's past wat-
    Enter Boy.

    Pan. You are such another.
    430Boy. Sir, my Lord would instantly speake with you.
    Pan. Where?
    Boy. At your owne house.
    Pan. Good Boy tell him I come, I doubt he bee hurt.
    Fare ye well good Neece.
    435Cres. Adieu Vnkle.
    Pan. Ile be with you Neece by and by.
    Cres. To bring Vnkle.
    Pan. I, a token from Troylus.
    Cres. By the same token, you are a Bawd. Exit Pand.
    440Words, vowes, gifts, teares, & loues full sacrifice,
    He offers in anothers enterprise:
    But more in Troylus thousand fold I see,
    Then in the glasse of Pandar's praise may be;
    Yet hold I off. Women are Angels wooing,
    445Things won are done, ioyes soule lyes in the dooing:
    That she belou'd, knowes nought, that knowes not this;
    Men prize the thing vngain'd, more then it is.
    That she was neuer yet, that euer knew
    Loue got so sweet, as when desire did sue:
    450Therefore this maxime out of loue I teach;
    "Atchieuement, is command; vngain'd, beseech.
    That though my hearts Contents firme loue doth beare,
    Nothing of that shall from mine eyes appeare. Exit.
    Senet. Enter Agamemnon, Nestor, Vlysses, Diome-
    455des, Menelaus, with others.
    Agam. Princes:
    What greefe hath set the Iaundies on your cheekes?
    The ample proposition that hope makes
    In all designes, begun on earth below
    460Fayles in the promist largenesse: checkes and disasters
    Grow in the veines of actions highest rear'd.
    As knots by the conflux of meeting sap,
    Infect the sound Pine, and diuerts his Graine
    Tortiue and erant from his course of growth.
    465Nor Princes, is it matter new to vs,
    That we come short of our suppose so farre,
    That after seuen yeares siege, yet Troy walles stand,
    Sith euery action that hath gone before,
    Whereof we haue Record, Triall did draw
    470Bias and thwart, not answering the ayme:
    And that vnbodied figure of the thought
    That gaue't surmised shape. Why then (you Princes)
    Do you with cheekes abash'd, behold our workes,
    And thinke them shame, which are (indeed) nought else
    475But the protractiue trials of great Ioue,
    To finde persistiue constancie in men?
    The finenesse of which Mettall is not found
    In Fortunes loue: for then, the Bold and Coward,
    The Wise and Foole, the Artist and vn-read,
    480The hard and soft, seeme all affin'd, and kin.
    But in the Winde and Tempest of her frowne,
    Distinction with a lowd and powrefull fan,
    Puffing at all, winnowes the light away;
    And what hath masse, or matter by it selfe,
    485Lies rich in Vertue, and vnmingled.
    Nestor. With due Obseruance of thy godly seat,
    Great Agamemnon, Nestor shall apply
    Thy latest words.
    In the reproofe of Chance,
    490Lies the true proofe of men: The Sea being smooth,
    How many shallow bauble Boates dare saile
    Vpon her patient brest, making their way
    With those of Nobler bulke?
    But let the Ruffian Boreas once enrage
    495The gentle Thetis, and anon behold
    The strong ribb'd Barke through liquid Mountaines cut,
    Bounding betweene the two moyst Elements
    Like Perseus Horse. Where's then the sawcy Boate,
    Whose weake vntimber'd sides but euen now
    500Co-riual'd Greatnesse? Either to harbour fled,
    Or made a Toste for Neptune. Euen so,
    Doth valours shew, and valours worth diuide
    In stormes of Fortune.
    For, in her ray and brightnesse,
    505The Heard hath more annoyance by the Brieze
    Then by the Tyger: But, when the splitting winde
    Makes flexible the knees of knotted Oakes,
    And Flies fled vnder shade, why then
    The thing of Courage,
    510As rowz'd with rage, with rage doth sympathize,
    And with an accent tun'd in selfe-same key,
    Retyres to chiding Fortune.
    Vlys. Agamemnon:
    Thou great Commander, Nerue, and Bone of Greece,
    515Heart of our Numbers, soule, and onely spirit,
    In whom the tempers, and the mindes of all
    Should be shut vp: Heare what Vlysses speakes,
    Besides the applause and approbation
    The which most mighty for thy place and sway,