1787Pand. Well, I had rather then twice the worth of her
1788shee had nere come heere
. 1789Bawd. Fye, fye, vpon her,
shee's able to freze the god
1790Priapus, and vndoe a whole generation, we mu
st either get
1791her raui
shed, or be rid of her, when
should doe for Cly
- 1792ents her
fitment, and doe mee the kindene
sse of our pro
- 1793fe
shee has me her quirks, her rea
sons, her ma
ster rea
- 1794sons, her prayers, her knees, that
shee would make a
Puri- 1795taine of the diuell, if hee
should cheapen a ki
sse of her
. 1796Boult. Faith I mu
st raui
sh her, or
shee'le disfurni
sh vs
1797of all our Caualereea, and make our
swearers prie
. 1798Pand. Now the poxe vpon her greene
sicknes for mee.
1799Bawd. Faith ther's no way to be ridde on't but by the
1800way to the pox. Here comes the Lord
Lysimachus di
1801Boult. Wee
should haue both Lorde and Lowne, if the
sh baggadge would but giue way to cu
1804Lysim. How now, how a douzen of virginities?
1805Bawd. Now the Gods to ble
sse your Honour.
1806Boult. I am glad to
see your Honour in good health.
1807Li. You may ,
so t'is the better for you that your re
- 1808sorters
stand vpon
sound legges, how now? whol
some ini
- 1809quitie haue you, that a man may deale withall , and de
1811Bawd. Wee haue heere one Sir, if
shee would, but
1812there neuer came her like in
1813Li. If
shee'd doe the deedes of darknes thou would
1814Bawd. Your Honor knows what t'is to
say wel enough.
1815Li. Well, call forth, call forth.
1816Boult. For
sh and bloud Sir, white and red, you
1817see a ro
se, and
she were a ro
se indeed, if
shee had but.
1819Boult. O Sir, I can be mode
1820Li. That dignities the renowne of a Bawde, no le
1821then it giues a good report to a number to be cha
1822Bawd. Heere comes that which growes to the
1823Neuer pluckt yet I can a
ssure you
. 1824Is
shee not a faire creature?
1825Ly. Faith
shee would
serue after a long voyage at Sea,
1826Well theres for you, leaue vs.
1827Bawd. I be
seeche your Honor giue me leaue a word,
1828And Ile haue done pre
1829Li. I be
seech you doe.
1830Bawd. Fir
st, I would haue you note, this is an Hono
- 1832Mar. I de
sire to
finde him
so, that I may worthilie(note him.
1833Bawd. Next hees the Gouernor of this countrey, and
1834a man whom I am bound too.
1835Ma. If he gouerne the countrey you are bound to him
1836indeed, but how honorable hee is in that, I knowe not.
1837Bawd. Pray you without anie more virginall fencing,
1838will you v
se him kindly
? he will lyne your apron with gold.
1839Ma. What hee will doe gratiou
sly, I will thankfully
1842Bawd. My Lord
shees not pac'
ste yet, you mu
st take
1843some paines to worke her to your mannage, come wee will
1844leaue his Honor, and her together, goe thy wayes.
1845Li. Now prittie one, how long haue you beene at this (trade?
1847Li. Why, I cannot name but I
shall o
1848Ma. I cannot be o
ffended with my trade, plea
se you to (name it
. 1849Li. How long haue you bene of this profe
? 1850Ma. Ere
since I can remember.
1851Li. Did you goe too't
so young, were you a game
fiue, or at
1853Ma. Earlyer too Sir, if now I bee one.
1854Ly. Why
? the hou
se you dwell in proclaimes you to
1855be a Creature of
1856Ma. Doe you knowe this hou
se to be a place of
sort, and will come intoo't? I heare
say you're of honou
- 1858rable parts, and are the Gouernour of this place.
1859Li. Why, hath your principall made knowne vnto
1861Ma. Who is my principall?
1862Li. Why, your hearbe-woman,
she that
seeds and
1863rootes of
shame and iniquitie.
1864 O you haue heard
something of my power, and
1865stand aloft for more
serious wooing, but I prote
st to thee
1866prettie one, my authoritie
shall not
see thee, or el
se looke
1867friendly vpon thee, come bring me to
some priuate place:
1869Ma. If you were borne to honour,
shew it now, if put
1870vpon you, make the iudgement good, that thought you
1872Li. How's this? how's this?
some more, be
1873Mar. For me that am a maide, though mo
st vngentle
1874Fortune haue plac't mee in this Stie , where
since I came,
ses haue beene
solde deerer then Phi
sicke, that the
1876gods would
set me free from this vnhalowed place, though
1877they did chaunge mee to the meane
st byrd that
flyes i'th
1879Li. I did not thinke thou could
st haue
so well,
1880nere dremp't thou could'
st, had I brought hither a cor
- 1881rupted minde, thy
speeche had altered it, holde, heeres
1882golde for thee, per
seuer in that cleare way thou goe
st and
1883the gods
strengthen thee.
1884Ma. The good Gods pre
serue you.
1885Li. For me be you thoughten, that I came with no ill
1886intent, for to me the very dores and windows
sauor vilely,
1887fare thee well, thou art a peece of vertue, & I doubt not but
1888thy training hath bene noble, hold, heeres more golde for
1889thee, a cur
se vpon him, die he like a theefe that robs thee of
1890thy goodnes, if thou doe
st heare from me it
shalbe for thy
1892Boult. I be
seeche your Honor one peece for me.
1893Li. Auaunt thou damned dore-keeper, your hou
se but
1894for this virgin that doeth prop it, would
sincke and ouer
- 1896Boult. How's this? wee mu
st take another cour
se with
1897you? if your peeui
sh cha
stitie, which is not worth a breake
- 1898fa
st in the cheape
st countrey vnder the coap,
shall vndoe a
1899whole hou
shold, let me be gelded like a
spaniel, come your(wayes.
1900Ma. Whither would you haue mee?
1901Boult. I mu
st haue your mayden-head taken o
ff, or the
1902cõmonhãg-man shal execute it, come your way, weele haue
1903no more Gentlemen driuen away, come your wayes I
1905Bawd. How now, whats the matter?
1906Boult. Wor
se and wor
se mi
shee has heere
1907holie words to the Lord
1909Boult. He makes our profe
ssion as it were to
stincke a
- 1910fore the face of the gods.
1911Bawd. Marie hang her vp for euer.
1912 Boult. The Noble man would haue dealt with her like
1913a Noble man, and
sent him away as colde as a Snowe
- 1914ball,
saying his prayers too.
1915Bawd. Boult take her away, v
se her at thy plea
sure, crack
1916the gla
sse of her virginitie, and make the re
st maliable.
1917Boult. And if
shee were a thornyer peece of ground
shee is,
shall be plowed.
1919Ma. Harke, harke you Gods
. 1920Bawd. She coniures, away with her, would
she had ne
- 1921uer come within my doores, Marrie hang you:
shees borne
1922to vndoe vs, will you not goe the way of wemen-kinde?
1923Marry come vp my di
sh of cha
stitie with ro
semary & baies.
1924Boult. Come mi
stris, come your way with mee.
1925Ma. Whither wilt thou haue mee?
1926Boult. To take from you the Iewell you hold
so deere.
1927Ma. Prithee tell mee one thing
1928Boult. Come now your one thing.
1929Ma. What can
st thou wi
sh thine enemie to be.
1930Boult. Why, I could wi
sh him to bee my ma
ster, or ra
- 1932Ma. Neither of the
se are
so bad as thou art,
since they
1933doe better thee in their command, thou hold'
st a place for
1934which the pained
st feende of hell would not in reputation
1935change: Thou art the damned doore-keeper to euery cu
- 1936sterell that comes enquiring for his Tib. To the cholerike
1937fisting of euery rogue, thy eare is lyable, thy foode is
1938as hath beene belch't on by infe
cted lungs.
1939Bo. What wold you haue me do? go to the wars, wold you?
1940wher a man may
serue 7. yeers for the lo
sse of a leg, & haue
1941not money enough in the end to buy him a woodden one?
1942Ma. Doe any thing but this thou doe
st, emptie olde re
- 1943ceptacles, or common-
shores of
serue by indenture,
1944to the common hang-man, anie of the
se wayes are yet
1945better then this: for what thou profe
st, a Baboone could
speak, would owne a name too deere, that the gods wold
1947safely deliuer me from this place: here, heers gold for thee,
1948if that thy ma
ster would gaine by me, proclaime that I can
1949sing, weaue,
sow, & dance, with other vertues, which Ile keep
1950from boa
st, and will vndertake all the
se to teache
. I doubt
1951not but this populous Cittie will yeelde manie
1952Boult. But can you teache all this you
speake of?
1953Ma. Prooue that I cannot, take mee home againe,
1954And pro
stitute mee to the ba
st groome that doeth fre
- 1956Boult. Well I will
see what I can doe for thee: if I can
1958Ma. But among
st hone
st woman.
1959Boult. Faith my acquaintance lies little among
st them,
since my ma
ster and mi
stris hath bought you, theres
1961no going but by their con
sent : therefore I will make them
1962acquainted with your purpo
se , and I doubt not but I
1963finde them tra
ctable enough. Come, Ile doe for thee what
1964I can, come your wayes.