Internet Shakespeare Editions

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  • Title: Pericles, Prince of Tyre (Quarto)
  • Editor: Tom Bishop

  • Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Editor: Tom Bishop
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Pericles, Prince of Tyre (Quarto)

    Pericles Prince of Tyre.

    Enter Thaliard solus.
    350 So this is Tyre, and this the Court, heere must I kill
    King Pericles, and if I doe it not, I am sure to be hang'd at
    home : t'is daungerous.
    Well, I perceiue he was a wise fellowe, and had good
    discretion, that beeing bid to aske what hee would of the
    355King, desired he might knowe none of his secrets.
    Now doe I see hee had some reason for't: for if a
    king bidde a man bee a villaine, hee's bound by the inden-
    ture of his oath to bee one.
    Husht, heere comes the Lords of Tyre.

    360Enter Hellicanus, Escanes, with
    other Lords.

    Helli. You shall not neede my fellow-Peers of Tyre,
    further to question mee of your kings departure: his sea-
    led Commission left in trust with mee, does speake suffici-
    365ently hee's gone to trauaile.
    Thaliard. How? the King gone?
    Hell. If further yet you will be satisfied, (why as it
    were vnlicensed of your loues) he would depart? Ile giue
    some light vnto you, beeing at Antioch.
    370Thal. What from Antioch?
    Hell. Royall Antiochus on what cause I knowe not,
    tooke some displeasure at him, at least hee iudg'de so: and
    doubting lest hee had err'de or sinn'de, to shewe his sorrow,
    hee'de correct himselfe; so puts himselfe vnto the Ship-
    375mans toyle, with whome eache minute threatens life or
    Thaliard. Well, I perceiue I shall not be hang'd now,
    although I would, but since hee's gone, the Kings seas
    must please: hee scap'te the Land to perish at the Sea, I'le
    380present my selfe. Peace to the Lords of Tyre.
    B 3