Internet Shakespeare Editions

About this text

  • Title: Pericles, Prince of Tyre (Quarto)
  • Editor: Tom Bishop

  • Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Editor: Tom Bishop
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Pericles, Prince of Tyre (Quarto)

    Pericles Prince of Tyre.
    2.Gent. No, nor neuer shall doe in such a place as this,
    shee beeing once gone.
    17801. But to haue diuinitie preach't there , did you euer
    dreame of such a thing?
    2. No, no, come, I am for no more bawdie houses, shall's
    goe heare the Vestalls sing?
    1. Ile doe any thing now that is vertuous, but I am out
    1785of the road of rutting for euer. Exit.

    Enter Bawdes 3.
    Pand. Well, I had rather then twice the worth of her
    shee had nere come heere.
    Bawd. Fye, fye, vpon her, shee's able to freze the god
    1790Priapus, and vndoe a whole generation, we must either get
    her rauished, or be rid of her, when she should doe for Cly-
    ents her fitment, and doe mee the kindenesse of our pro-
    fession, shee has me her quirks, her reasons, her master rea-
    sons, her prayers, her knees, that shee would make a Puri-
    1795taine of the diuell, if hee should cheapen a kisse of her.
    Boult. Faith I must rauish her, or shee'le disfurnish vs
    of all our Caualereea, and make our swearers priests.
    Pand. Now the poxe vpon her greene sicknes for mee.
    Bawd. Faith ther's no way to be ridde on't but by the
    1800way to the pox. Here comes the Lord Lysimachus disguised.
    Boult. Wee should haue both Lorde and Lowne, if the
    peeuish baggadge would but giue way to customers.
    Enter Lysimachus.
    Lysim. How now, how a douzen of virginities?
    1805Bawd. Now the Gods to blesse your Honour.
    Boult. I am glad to see your Honour in good health.
    Li. You may , so t'is the better for you that your re-
    sorters stand vpon sound legges, how now? wholsome ini-
    quitie haue you, that a man may deale withall , and defie
    1810the Surgion?
    Bawd. Wee haue heere one Sir, if shee would, but
