Peer Reviewed
- Edition: Othello
Othello (Folio 1, 1623)
- Introduction
- Texts of this edition
- Contextual materials
- Facsimiles
Othello, the Moore of Venice.
1Actus Primus. Scoena Prima.
2Enter Rodorigo, and Iago.
4NEuer tell me, I take it much vnkindly
7Ia. But you'l not heare me. If euer I did dream
8Of such a matter, abhorre me.
10Thou did'st hold him in thy hate.
12If I do not. Three Great-ones of the Cittie,
14Off-capt to him: and by the faith of man
15I know my price, I am worth no worsse a place.
16But he (as louing his owne pride, and purposes)
21For-sooth, a great Arithmatician,
23(A Fellow almost damn'd in a faire Wife)
24That neuer set a Squadron in the Field,
25Nor the deuision of a Battaile knowes
30And I (of whom his eies had seene the proofe
31At Rhodes, at Ciprus, and on others grounds
33By Debitor, and Creditor. This Counter-caster,
34He (in good time) must his Lieutenant be,
36Rod. By heauen, I rather would haue bin his hangman.
37Iago. Why, there's no remedie.
38'Tis the cursse of Seruice;
40And not by old gradation, where each second
43To loue the Moore?
45Iago. O Sir content you.
46I follow him, to serue my turne vpon him.
48Cannot be truely follow'd. You shall marke
49Many a dutious and knee-crooking knaue;
50That (doting on his owne obsequious bondage)
52For naught but Prouender, & when he's old Casheer'd.
54Who trym'd in Formes, and visages of Dutie,
55Keepe yet their hearts attending on themselues,
56And throwing but showes of Seruice on their Lords
57Doe well thriue by them.
58And when they haue lin'd their Coates
59Doe themselues Homage.
62It is as sure as you are Rodorigo,
63Were I the Moore, I would not be Iago:
64In following him, I follow but my selfe.
65Heauen is my Iudge, not I for loue and dutie,
69In Complement externe, 'tis not long after
70But I will weare my heart vpon my sleeue
71For Dawes to pecke at; I am not what I am.
72Rod. What a fall Fortune do's the Thicks-lips owe
73If he can carry't thus?
74Iago. Call vp her Father:
77And though he in a fertile Clymate dwell,
78Plague him with Flies: though that his Ioy be Ioy,
79Yet throw such chances of vexation on't,
82Iago. Doe, with like timerous accent, and dire yell,
83As when (by Night and Negligence) the Fire
84Is spied in populus Citties.
85Rodo. What hoa: Brabantio, Siginor Brabantio, hoa.
86Iago. Awake: what hoa, Brabantio: Theeues, Theeues.
87Looke to your house, your daughter, and your Bags,
88Theeues, Theeues.
90Summons? What is the matter there?
91Rodo. Signior is all your Familie within?
92Iago. Are your Doores lock'd?
93Bra. Why? Wherefore ask you this?
the Moore of Venice. 311
96Euen now, now, very now, an old blacke Ram
98Awake the snorting Cittizens with the Bell,
103Bra. Not I: what are you?
104Rod. My name is Rodorigo.
106I haue charg'd thee not to haunt about my doores:
108My Daughter is not for thee. And now in madnesse
109(Being full of Supper, and distempring draughtes)
110Vpon malitious knauerie, dost thou come
111To start my quiet.
112Rod. Sir, Sir, Sir.
114My spirits and my place haue in their power
115To make this bitter to thee.
116Rodo. Patience good Sir.
125phewes neigh to you, you'le haue Coursers for Cozens :
126and Gennets for Germaines.
127Bra. What prophane wretch art thou?
129ter and the Moore, are making the Beast with two backs.
130Bra. Thou art a Villaine.
131Iago. You are a Senator.
135(As partly I find it is) that your faire Daughter,
136At this odde Euen and dull watch o'th'night
138But with a knaue of common hire, a Gundelier,
140If this be knowne to you, and your Allowance,
141We then haue done you bold, and saucie wrongs.
142But if you know not this, my Manners tell me,
143We haue your wrong rebuke. Do not beleeue
144That from the sence of all Ciuilitie,
145I thus would play and trifle with your Reuerence.
146Your Daughter (if you haue not giuen her leaue)
148Tying her Dutie, Beautie, Wit, and Fortunes
149In an extrauagant, and wheeling Stranger,
153For thus deluding you.
154Bra. Strike on the Tinder, hoa:
155Giue me a Taper: call vp all my people,
156This Accident is not vnlike my dreame,
157Beleefe of it oppresses me alreadie.
162Against the Moore. For I do know the State,
163(How euer this may gall him with some checke)
167Another of his Fadome, they haue none,
169Though I do hate him as I do hell apines,
173Lead to the Sagitary the raised Search:
174And there will I be with him. So farewell. Exit.
175Enter Brabantio, with Seruants and Torches.
178Is naught but bitternesse. Now Rodorigo,
183Raise all my Kindred. Are they married thinke you?
184Rodo. Truely I thinke they are.
186Oh treason of the blood.
187Fathers, from hence trust not your Daughters minds
189By which the propertie of Youth, and Maidhood
190May be abus'd? Haue you not read Rodorigo,
192Rod. Yes Sir: I haue indeed.
193Bra. Call vp my Brother: oh would you had had her.
194Some one way, some another. Doe you know
195Where we may apprehend her, and the Moore?
197To get good Guard, and go along with me.
199(I may command at most) get Weapons (hoa)