Internet Shakespeare Editions

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  • Title: Othello (Folio 1, 1623)
  • Editor: Donald Bailey
  • ISBN: 978-1-55058-466-0

    Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Editor: Donald Bailey
    Peer Reviewed

    Othello (Folio 1, 1623)

    328 The Tragedie of Othello
    Des. How now (good Cassio) what's the newes with
    2265Cassio. Madam, my former suite. I do beseech you,
    That by your vertuous meanes, I may againe
    Exist, and be a member of his loue,
    Whom I, with all the Office of my heart
    Intirely honour, I would not be delayd.
    2270If my offence, be of such mortall kinde,
    That nor my Seruice past, nor present Sorrowes,
    Nor purpos'd merit in futurity,
    Can ransome me into his loue againe,
    But to know so, must be my benefit:
    2275So shall I cloath me in a forc'd content,
    And shut my selfe vp in some other course
    To Fortunes Almes.
    Des. Alas (thrice-gentle Cassio)
    My Aduocation is not now in Tune;
    2280My Lord, is not my Lord; nor should I know him,
    Were he in Fauour, as in Humour alter'd.
    So helpe me euery spirit sanctified,
    As I haue spoken for you all my best,
    And stood within the blanke of his displeasure
    2285For my free speech. You must awhile be patient:
    What I can do, I will: and more I will
    Then for my selfe, I dare. Let that suffice you.
    Iago. Is my Lord angry?
    AEmil. He went hence but now:
    2290And certainly in strange vnquietnesse.
    Iago. Can he be angry? I haue seene the Cannon
    When it hath blowne his Rankes into the Ayre,
    And like the Diuell from his very Arme
    Puff't his owne Brother: And is he angry?
    2295Something of moment then: I will go meet him,
    There's matter in't indeed, if he be angry. Exit
    Des. I prythee do so. Something sure of State,
    Either from Venice, or some vnhatch'd practise
    Made demonstrable heere in Cyprus, to him,
    2300Hath pudled his cleare Spirit: and in such cases,
    Mens Natures wrangle with inferiour things,
    Though great ones are their obiect. 'Tis euen so.
    For let our finger ake, and it endues
    Our other healthfull members, euen to a sense
    2305Of paine. Nay, we must thinke men are not Gods,
    Nor of them looke for such obseruancie
    As fits the Bridall. Beshrew me much, AEmilia,
    I was (vnhandsome Warrior, as I am)
    Arraigning his vnkindnesse with my soule:
    2310But now I finde, I had suborn'd the Witnesse,
    And he's Indited falsely.
    AEmil. Pray heauen it bee
    State matters, as you thinke, and no Conception,
    Nor no Iealious Toy, concerning you.
    2315Des. Alas the day, I neuer gaue him cause.
    AEmil. But Iealious soules will not be answer'd so;
    They are not euer iealious for the cause,
    But iealious, for they're iealious. It is a Monster
    Begot vpon it selfe, borne on it selfe.
    2320Des. Heauen keepe the Monster from Othello's mind.
    AEmil. Lady, Amen.
    Des. I will go seeke him. Cassio, walke heere about:
    If I doe finde him fit, Ile moue your suite,
    And seeke to effect it to my vttermost. Exit
    2325Cas. I humbly thanke your Ladyship.

    Enter Bianca.
    Bian. 'Saue you (Friend Cassio.)

    Cassio. What make you from home?
    How is't with you, my most faire Bianca?
    2330Indeed (sweet Loue) I was comming to your house.
    Bian. And I was going to your Lodging, Cassio.
    What? keepe a weeke away? Seuen dayes, and Nights?
    Eight score eight houres? And Louers absent howres
    More tedious then the Diall, eight score times?
    2335Oh weary reck'ning.
    Cassio. Pardon me, Bianca:
    I haue this while with leaden thoughts beene prest,
    But I shall in a more continuate time
    Strike off this score of absence. Sweet Bianca
    2340Take me this worke out.
    Bianca. Oh Cassio, whence came this?
    This is some Token from a newer Friend,
    To the felt-Absence: now I feele a Cause:
    Is't come to this? Well, well.
    2345Cassio. Go too, woman:
    Throw your vilde gesses in the Diuels teeth,
    From whence you haue them. You are iealious now,
    That this is from some Mistris, some remembrance;
    No, in good troth Bianca.
    2350Bian. Why, who's is it?
    Cassio. I know not neither:
    I found it in my Chamber,
    I like the worke well; Ere it be demanded
    (As like enough it will) I would haue it coppied:
    2355Take it, and doo't, and leaue me for this time.
    Bian. Leaue you? Wherefore?
    Cassio. I do attend heere on the Generall,
    And thinke it no addition nor my wish
    To haue him see me woman'd.
    2360Bian. Why, I ptay you?
    Cassio. Not that I loue you not.
    Bian. But that you do not loue me.
    I pray you bring me on the way a little,
    And say, if I shall see you soone at night?
    2365Cassio. 'Tis but a little way that I can bring you,
    For I attend heere: But Ile see you soone.
    Bian. 'Tis very good: I must be circumstanc'd.
    Exeunt omnes.

    Actus Quartus. Scena Prima.

    2370Enter Othello, and Iago.
    Iago. Will you thinke so?
    Oth. Thinke so, Iago?
    Iago. What, to kisse in priuate?
    Oth. An vnauthoriz'd kisse?
    2375Iago. Or to be naked with her Friend in bed,
    An houre, or more, not meaning any harme?
    Oth. Naked in bed (Iago) and not meane harme?
    It is hypocrisie against the Diuell:
    They that meane vertuously, and yet do so,
    2380The Diuell their vertue tempts, and they tempt Heauen.
    Iago. If they do nothing, 'tis a Veniall slip:
    But if I giue my wife a Handkerchiefe.
    Oth. What then?
    Iago. Why then 'tis hers (my Lord) and being hers,
    2385She may (I thinke) bestow't on any man.
    Oth. She is Protectresse of her honor too:
    May she giue that?