63636My grandsire Bladud hight, that found the baths by skill,
3737A feathered king that practiced high to soar,
3838Whereby he felt the fall, God wot against his will,
3939And never went, rode, reigned, nor spake, nor flew no more.
4040After whose death my father Leir therefore
4141Was chosen king, by right apparent heir,
4242Which after built the town of Leircèstere.
74343He had three daughters, first and eldest hight Gonerell,
4444Next after her his younger Ragan was begot:
4545The third and last was I the youngest, named Cordell.
4646Us all our father Leir did love too well God wot,
4747But minding her that loved him best to note,
4848Because he had no son t'enjoy his land,
4949He thought to guerdon most where favour most he found.
85050What though I youngest were, yet me judged more wise
5151Than either Gonerell, or Ragan more of age,
5252And fairer far, wherefore my sisters did despise
5353My grace and gifts, and sought my wreck to wage.
5454But yet though vice on virtue die with rage,
5555It cannot keep her underneath to drown,
5656For still she sits above, and reaps renown.
95757My father thought to wed us unto princely peers,
5858And unto them and theirs divide and part the land.
5959For both my sisters first he called (as first their years
6060Required) their minds, and love, and favor t'understand.
6161Quod he, "All doubts of duty to aband',
6262I must assay your friendly faiths to prove:
6363My daughters, tell me how you do me love."
106464Which when they answered him they loved their father more
6565Than they themselves did love, or any worldly wight:
6666He praised them, and said he would therefore
6767The loving kindness they deserved in fine requite.
6868So found my sisters favour in his sight,
6969By flattery fair they won their father's heart,
7070Which after turned him and me to smart.