605ning, but at the next turning of all on your left; marrie
606at the verie next turning, turne of no hand, but turn down
ctlie to the
Iewes hou
608Gob. Be Gods
sonties 'twill be a hard waie to hit, can
609you tell me whether one
Launcelet that dwels with him,
611Laun. Talke you of yong Ma
Launcelet, marke
612me now, now will I rai
se the waters; talke you of yong
614Gob. No Mai
sir, but a poore mans
sonne, his Fa
- 615ther though I
say't is an hone
st exceeding poore man,
616and God be thanked well to liue.
617Lan. Well, let his Father be what a will, wee talke of
618yong Mai
619Gob. Your wor
ships friend and
620Laun. But I praie you
ergo old man,
ergo I be
seech you,
621talke you of yong Mai
622Gob. Of
Launcelet, ant plea
se your mai
623Lan. Ergo Mai
Lancelet, talke not of mai
Lance- 624let Father, for the yong gentleman according to fates and
stinies, and
such odde
sayings, the
sisters three, &
626branches of learning, is indeede decea
sed, or as you
say in plaine tearmes, gone to heauen.
628Gob. Marrie God forbid, the boy was the verie
629of my age, my verie prop.
630Lau. Do I look like a cudgell or a houell-po
st, a
631or a prop: doe you know me Father.
632Gob. Alacke the day, I know you not yong Gentle
- 633man, but I praie you tell me, is my boy God re
st his
635Lan. Doe you not know me Father.
636Gob. Alacke
sir I am
sand blinde, I know you not.
637Lan. Nay, indeede if you had your eies you might
638faile of the knowing me: it is a wi
se Father that knowes
639his owne childe. Well, old man, I will tell you newes of
son, giue me your ble
ssing, truth will come to light,
641murder cannot be hid long, a mans
sonne may, but in the
643Gob. Praie you
stand vp, I am
sure you are not
645Lan. Praie you let's haue no more fooling about
646it, but giue mee your ble
ssing: I am
Lancelet your
647boy that was, your
sonne that is, your childe that
649Gob. I cannot thinke you are my
650Lan. I know not what I
shall thinke of that: but I am
651Lancelet the
Iewes man, and I am
Margerie your wife
653Gob. Her name is
Margerie indeede, Ile be
sworne if
654thou be
Lancelet, thou art mine owne
sh and blood:
655Lord wor
shipt might he be, what a beard ha
st thou got;
656thou ha
st got more haire on thy chin, then Dobbin my
se has on his taile.
658Lan. It
seeme then that Dobbins taile
659growes backeward. I am
sure he had more haire of his
660taile then I haue of my face when I lo
st saw him.
661Gob. Lord how art thou chang'd: how doo
st thou
662and thy Ma
ster agree, I haue brought him a pre
sent; how
664Lan. Well, well, but for mine owne part, as I haue
665vp my re
st to run awaie,
so I will not re
st till I haue run
666some ground; my Mai
ster's a verie
Iew, giue him a pre
s- 667ent, giue him a halter, I am fami
sht in his
seruice. You
668may tell euerie
finger I haue with my ribs: Father I am
669glad you are come, giue me your pre
sent to one Mai
670Bassanio, who indeede giues rare new Liuories, if I
671not him, I will run as far as God has anie ground. O rare
672fortune, here comes the man, to him Father, for I am a
673Iew if I
serue the
Iew anie longer.
674Enter Bassanio with a follower or two.
675Bass. You may doe
so, but let it be
so ha
sted that
676supper be readie at the farthe
st by
fiue of the clocke:
677see the
se Letters deliuered, put the Liueries to mak
- 678ing, and de
Gratiano to come anone to my lodg
- 681Gob. God ble
sse your wor
682Bass. Gramercie, would'
st thou ought with me.
683Gob. Here's my
sir, a poore boy.
684Lan. Not a poore boy
sir, but the rich
Iewes man that
sir as my Father
686Gob. He hath a great infe
sir, as one would
688Lan. Indeede the
short and the long is, I
serue the
689Iew, and haue a de
sire as my Father
690Gob. His Mai
ster and he (
sauing your wor
ships reue
- 691rence) are
scarce caterco
692Lan. To be briefe, the verie truth is, that the
Iew 693hauing done me wrong, doth cau
se me as my Father be
- 694ing I hope an old man
shall fruti
fie vnto you.
695Gob. I haue here a di
sh of Doues that I would be
696vpon your wor
ship, and my
suite is.
697Lan. In verie briefe, the
suite is impertinent to my
698selfe, as your wor
shall know by this hone
st old man,
699and though I
say it, though old man, yet poore man my
701Bass. One
speake for both, what would you?
703Gob. That is the verie defe
ct of the matter
704Bass. I know thee well, thou ha
st obtain'd thy
705Shylocke thy Mai
spoke with me this daie,
706And hath prefer'd thee, if it be preferment
707To leaue a rich
Iewes seruice, to become
708The follower of
so poore a Gentleman.
709Clo. The old prouerbe is verie well parted betweene
710my Mai
Shylocke and you
sir, you haue the grace of
sir, and he hath enough.
712Bass. Thou
st it well; go Father with thy Son,
713Take leaue of thy old Mai
ster, and enquire
714My lodging out, giue him a Liuerie
715More garded then his fellowes:
see it done.
716Clo. Father in, I cannot get a
seruice, no, I haue nere
717a tongue in my head, well: if anie man in
Italie haue a
718fairer table which doth o
ffer to
sweare vpon a booke, I
719shall haue good fortune; goe too, here's a
simple line
720of life, here's a
small tri
fle of wiues, alas,
fifteene wiues
721is nothing, a leuen widdowes and nine maides is a
- 722ple comming in for one man, and then to
scape drow
- 723ning thrice, and to be in perill of my life with the edge
724of a featherbed, here are
scapes: well, if Fortune
725be a woman,
she's a good wench for this gere: Father
726come, Ile take my leaue of the
Iew in the twinkling.
728Bass. I praie thee good
Leonardo thinke on this,
se things being bought and orderly be
730Returne in ha
ste, for I doe fea
st to night
731My be
st e
steemd acquaintance, hie thee goe.
732Leon. My be
st endeuors
shall be done herein.
Exit Le. 734Gra. Where's your Mai
Leon. Yonder