Peer Reviewed
- Edition: Famous Victories of Henry V
The Famous Victories of Henry the Fifth (Quarto, 1598)
- Introduction
- Texts of this edition
- Contextual materials
The famous victories
96As any part about them.
97All. We are readie to waite vpon your grace.
100My father were dead, we would be all Kings,
101Therefore come away.
103Enter Iohn Cobler, Robin Pewterer, Lawrence
108Robin Pewterer went to Pudding lane end,
109And we will watch here at Billinsgate ward.
111Robin. Marry well neighbours:
112I care not much if I goe to Pudding lanes end.
113But neighbours, and you heare any adoe about me,
114Make haste: and if I heare any ado about you,
115I will come to you.
116Exit Robin.
120He will not let to talke with him,
123A young Prince as euer was.