Peer Reviewed
- Edition: Famous Victories of Henry V
The Famous Victories of Henry the Fifth (Quarto, 1598)
- Introduction
- Texts of this edition
- Contextual materials
The famous victories
1004That I would go away, and now I must go
1005Against my will.
1006He weepeth.
1007 Enters Dericke.
1010Sownds how now Iohn, what a crying?
1011What make you and my dame there?
1013Now we are gone.
1014Wife. Ile tell you, come ye cloghead,
1015What do you with my potlid? heare you,
1016Will you haue it rapt about your pate?
1017She beateth him with her potlid.
1020That I would.
1022 She beateth him.
1024Go too dame, I will go backe as far as I can,
1025But and you come againe,
1029She will do as much good as her husband and I too.
1030Enters the Theefe.
1031Sownes, who comes yonder?