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  • Title: The Famous Victories of Henry the Fifth (Quarto, 1598)
  • Editors: Karen Sawyer Marsalek, Mathew Martin
  • Coordinating editor: Janelle Jenstad

  • Copyright Queen's Men Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: Anonymous
    Editors: Karen Sawyer Marsalek, Mathew Martin
    Peer Reviewed

    The Famous Victories of Henry the Fifth (Quarto, 1598)

    The famous victories
    And we would be loth to haue any thing adoo,
    Therefore I pray thee put it vp.
    Der. First, thou saiest true, I am an honest fellow,
    And a proper hansome fellow too,
    165And you seeme to be poore men, therefore I care not greatly,
    Nay, I am quickly pacified:
    But and you chance to spie the theefe,
    I pray you laie hold on him.
    Robin. Yes that we wil, I warrant you.
    170Der. Tis a wonderful thing to see how glad the knaue
    Is, now I haue forgiuen him.
    Iohn. Neighbors do ye looke about you?
    How now, who's there?
    Enter the Theefe.
    175Theefe. Here is a good fellow, I pray you which is the
    Way to the old Tauerne in Eastcheape?
    Der. Whoope hollo, now Gads Hill, knowest thou me?
    Theef. I know thee for an Asse.
    Der. And I know thee for a taking fellow,
    180Upon Gads hill in Kent:
    A bots light vpon ye.
    Theef. The whorson vilaine would be knockt.
    Der. Maisters, vilaine, and ye be men stand to him,
    And take his weapon from him, let him not passe you.
    185Iohn. My friend, what make you abroad now?
    It is too late to walke now.
    Theef. It is not too late for true men to walke.
    Law. We know thee not to be a true man.
    Theef. Why what do you meane to do with me?
    190Sownes I am one of the kings liege people.
    Der. Heare you sir, are you one of the kings liege people?
    Theef. I marry am I sir, what say you to it?
    Der. Marry sir, I say you are one of the kings filching (people.
    Cob. Come, come, lets haue him away.
    195Theef. Why what haue I done?