Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: Anonymous
Editors: Karen Sawyer Marsalek, Mathew Martin
Peer Reviewed

The Famous Victories of Henry the Fifth (Quarto, 1598)

The famous victories
And we shall go to a pettie Ale-house,
No, no: you know the olde Tauerne in Easstcheape,
There is good wine: besides, there is a pretie wench
95That can talke well, for I delight as much in their toongs,
As any part about them.
All. We are readie to waite vpon your grace.
Hen.5. Gogs wounds waite, we will go altogither,
We are all fellowes, I tell you sirs, and the King
100My father were dead, we would be all Kings,
Therefore come away.
Ned. Gogs wounds, brauely spoken Harry.
Enter Iohn Cobler, Robin Pewterer, Lawrence
105Iohn Cob. All is well here, all is well maisters.
Robin. How say you neighbour Iohn Cobler?
I thinke it best that my neighbour
Robin Pewterer went to Pudding lane end,
And we will watch here at Billinsgate ward.
110How say you neighbour Robin, how like you this?
Robin. Marry well neighbours:
I care not much if I goe to Pudding lanes end.
But neighbours, and you heare any adoe about me,
Make haste: and if I heare any ado about you,
115I will come to you.
Exit Robin.
Law. Neighbor, what newes heare you of ye young Prince:
Iohn. Marry neighbor, I heare say, he is a toward yoong(Prince,
For if he met any by the hie way,
120He will not let to talke with him,
I dare not call him theefe, but sure he is one of these takingfellowes.

Law. Indeed neighbour I heare say he is as liuely
A young Prince as euer was.
Iohn. I, and I heare say, if he vse it long,
125His father will cut him off from the Crowne: