51301Sometime he
scuds farre o
ff, aud there he
302Anon he
starts, at
sturring of a feather:
303To bid the wind a ba
se he now prepares,
304And where he runne, or
flie, they know not whether:
305 For through his mane, & taile, the high wind
306 Fanning the haires, who waue like feathred wings.
52307He lookes vpon his loue, and neighes vnto her,
308She an
swers him, as if
she knew his minde,
309Being proud as females are, to
see him woo her,
310She puts on outward
seemes vnkinde:
311 Spurnes at his loue, and
scorns the heat he feeles,
312 Beating his kind imbracements with her heeles.
53313Then like a melancholy malcontent,
314He vailes his taile that like a falling plume,
shadow to his melting buttocke lent,
stamps, and bites the poore
flies in his fume:
317 His loue perceiuing how he was inrag'd,
318 Grew kinder, and his furie was a
54319His te
stie mai
ster goeth about to take him,
320When lo the vnbackt breeder full of feare,
321Iealous of catching,
swiftly doth for
sake him,
322With her the Hor
se, and left Adonis there:
323 As they were mad vnto the wood they hie them,
324 Out
stripping crowes, that
striue to ouer
fly them.
swolne with cha
fing, downe Adonis
326Banning his boy
strous, and vnruly bea
327And now the happie
son once more
328That loue
sicke loue, by pleading may be ble
329 For louers
say, the heart hath treble wrong,
330 When it is bard the aydance of the tongue.