111661And more then
so, pre
senteth to mine eye,
662The pi
cture of an angrie cha
fing boare,
663Vnder who
sharpe fangs, on his backe doth lye,
664An image like thy
selfe, all
staynd with goare,
665 Who
se blood vpon the fre
sh flowers being
666 Doth make thē droop with grief, & hang the hed.
should I do,
seeing thee
so indeed?
668That tremble at th'imagination,
669The thought of it doth make my faint heart bleed,
670And feare doth teach it diuination;
671 I prophecie thy death, my liuing
672 If thou incounter with the boare to morrow.
113673But if thou needs wilt hunt, be rul'd by me,
674Vncouple at the timerous
flying hare,
675Or at the foxe which liues by
676Or at the Roe which no incounter dare:
677 Pur
sue the
se fearfull creatures o're the downes,
678 And on thy wel breathd hor
se keep with thy hoūds
114679And when thou ha
st on foote the purblind hare,
680Marke the poore wretch to ouer-
shut his troubles,
681How he outruns the wind, and with what care,
682He crankes and cro
sses with a thou
sand doubles,
683 The many mu
sits through the which he goes,
684 Are like a laberinth to amaze his foes.
115685Sometime he runnes among a
flocke of
686To make the cunning hounds mi
stake their
sometime where earth-deluing Conies keepe,
stop the loud pur
suers in their yell:
689 And
sorteth with a heard of deare,
690 Danger deui
shifts, wit waites on feare.