21121Art thou a
sham'd to ki
sse? then winke againe,
122And I will winke,
shall the day
seeme night.
123Loue keepes his reuels where there are but twaine:
124Be bold to play, our
sport is not in
125 The
se blew-veind violets whereon we leane,
126 Neuer can blab, nor know not what we meane.
22127The tender
spring vpon thy tempting lip,
128Shewes thee vnripe; yet mai
st thou well be ta
129Make v
se of time, let not aduantage
130Beautie within it
should not bewa
131 Faire
flowers that are not gathred in their prime,
132 Rot, and con
sume them
selues in litle time.
23133Were I hard-fauourd, foule, or wrinckled old,
134Il-nurtur'd, crooked, churli
sh, har
sh invoice,
135Ore-worne, de
sed, reumatique, and cold,
sighted, barren, leane, and lacking iuyce;
137 Thē might
st thou pau
se, forthē I were not for thee,
138 But hauing no defe
cts, why doe
st abhor me?
24139Thou can
st not
see one wrinckle in my brow,
140Mine eyes are grey, and bright, & quicke in turning:
141My beautie as the
spring doth yearelie grow,
sh is
soft, and plumpe, my marrow burning,
143 My
smooth moi
st hand, were it with thy hand felt,
144 Would in thy palme di
ssolue, or
seeme to melt.
25145Bid me di
se, I will inchaunt thine eare,
146Or like a Fairie, trip vpon the greene,
147Or like a Nimph, with long di
sheueled heare,
148Daunce on the
sands, and yet no footing
149 Loue is a
spirit all compa
ct of
150 Not gro
sse to
sinke, but light, and will a