Internet Shakespeare Editions

About this text

  • Title: Venus and Adonis (Quarto 1, 1593)
  • Editor: Hardy M. Cook
  • ISBN: 978-1-55058-411-0

    Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Editor: Hardy M. Cook
    Peer Reviewed

    Venus and Adonis (Quarto 1, 1593)


    For there his smell with others being mingled,
    The hot sent-snuffing hounds are driuen to doubt,
    Ceasing their clamorous cry, till they haue singled
    With much ado the cold fault cleanly out,
    695 Then do they spend their mouth's, eccho replies,
    As if an other chase were in the skies.

    By this poore wat farre off vpon a hill,
    Stands on his hinder-legs with listning eare,
    To hearken if his foes pursue him still,
    700Anon their loud alarums he doth heare,
    And now his griefe may be compared well,
    To one sore sicke, that heares the passing bell.

    Then shalt thou see the deaw-bedabbled wretch,
    Turne, and returne, indenting with the way,
    705Ech enuious brier, his wearie legs do scratch,
    Ech shadow makes him stop, ech murmour stay,
    For miserie is troden on by manie,
    And being low, neuer releeu'd by anie.

    Lye quietly, and heare a litle more,
    710Nay do not struggle, for thou shalt not rise,
    To make thee hate the hunting of the bore,
    Vnlike my selfe thou hear'st me moralize,
    Applying this to that, and so to so,
    For loue can comment vpon euerie wo.