st to content, but neuer to obey,
62Panting he lies, and breatheth in her face.
She feedeth on the steame, as on a pray,
64And calls it heauenly moi
sture, aire of grace,
65 Wi
shing her cheeks were gardens ful of
66 So they were dew'd with
such di
1267Looke how a bird lyes tangled in a net,
68So fa
stned in her armes Adonis lyes,
shame and aw'd re
sistance made him fret,
70Which bred more beautie in his angrie eyes:
71 Raine added to a riuer that is ranke,
72 Perforce will force it ouer
flow the banke.
she intreats, and prettily intreats,
74For to a prettie eare
she tunes her tale.
75Still is he
still he lowres and frets,
76Twixt crim
shame, and anger a
shie pale,
77 Being red
she loues him be
st, and being white,
78 Her be
st is betterd with a more delight.
1479Looke how he can,
she cannot chu
se but loue,
80And by her faire immortall hand
81From his
soft bo
some neuer to remoue,
82Till he take truce with her contending teares,
83 Which lōg haue raind, making her cheeks al wet,
84 And one
sweet ki
shal pay this comptle
sse debt.
1585Vpon this promi
se did he rai
se his chin,
86Like a diuedapper peering through a waue,
87Who being lookt on, ducks as quickly in:
88So o
ffers he to giue what
she did craue,
89 But when her lips were readie for his pay,
90 He winks, and turnes his lips another way.