33333130Thersi. Now they are clapper-clawing one another: Ile
33343131go looke on, that di
ssembling abhominable varlet
Diomede. 33353132has got that
scuruie dooting fooli
sh knaues
sleeue of
33363133Troy there in his helme. I would faine
see them meete, that
same young Troyan a
sse that loues the whore there,
send that Greeki
sh whore-ma
sterly villaine with the
33393136sleeue, back to the di
ssembling luxurious drabbe of a
- 33403137le
sse arrant. Ath' tother
side, the pollicie of tho
se craftie
33413138swearing raskalls; that
stale old Mou
se-eaten drye chee
33423139Nestor: and that
same dogge-foxe
Ulisses, is not proou'd
33433140worth a Black-berry. They
set mee vp in pollicie, that
33443141mongrill curre
Aiax, again
st that dogge of as bad a
Achilles. And now is the curre
Aiax, prouder then
33463143the curre
Achilles, and will not arme to day. Where-vpon
33473144the Grecians began to proclaime barbari
sme, and pollicie
33483145growes into an ill opinion. Soft here comes
sleeue & tother.
33513146Troy. Flye not, for
st thou take the riuer Stix, I
33533148Diomed. Thou doo
st mi
scall retire,
33543149I doe not
flie, but aduantagious care,
33553150With-drew me from the ods of multitude, haue at thee?
33573151Ther. Hold thy whore Grecian: now for thy whore Troian,
of Troylus and Cresseida.
33603154Hect. What art Greeke, art thou for
Hectors match.
33623156Ther. No, no, I am a ra
scall, a
scuruy rayling knaue, a very
33653159Ther. God a mercy, that thou wilt beleeue me, but a plague
33663160breake thy neck --- for frighting me: whats become of the
33673161wenching roagues? I thinke they haue
swallowed one ano
- 33683162ther. I would laugh at that miracle----yet in a
sort lechery
33693163eates it
selfe, ile
seeke them.