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  • Title: Troilus and Cressida (Quarto 1, 1609)
  • Editor: William Godshalk
  • ISBN: 1-55058-301-8

    Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Editor: William Godshalk
    Peer Reviewed

    Troilus and Cressida (Quarto 1, 1609)

    The history
    Cres. Blind feare that seeing reason leads, finds safer foo-
    ting, then blind reason, stumbling without feare: to feare
    the worst oft cures the worse.
    Troy. O let my Lady apprehend no feare,
    1705In all Cupids pageant there is presented no monster.
    Cres. Nor nothing monstrous neither.
    Troy. Nothing but our vndertakings, when wee vow to
    weepe seas, liue in fire, eate rockes, tame Tygers, thin-
    king it harder for our mistresse to deuise imposition ynough
    1710then for vs to vndergoe any difficulty imposed. --
    This the monstruosity in loue Lady, that the will is infinite
    and the execution confind, that the desire is boundlesse, and
    the act a slaue to lymite.
    Cres. They say all louers sweare more performance then
    1715they are able, and yet reserue an ability that they neuer
    performe: vowing more then the perfection of ten: and dis-
    charging lesse then the tenth part of one. They that haue
    the voyce of Lyons, and the act of Hares are they not mon-
    1720Troy. Are there such: such are not we; Praise vs as wee
    are tasted, allow vs as we proue: our head shall goe bare till
    merit louer part no affection in reuersion shall haue a praise
    in present: we will not name desert before his birth, and be-
    ing borne, his addition shall bee humble: few wordes
    1725to faire faith. Troylus shall be such to Cressid, as what en-
    uy can say worst shall bee a mocke for his truth, and what
    truth can speake truest not truer then Troylus.
    Cres. Will you walke in my Lord?
    Pand. What blushing still, haue you not done talking yet?
    Cres. VVell Vncle what folly I commit I dedicate to
    1735Pand. I thanke you for that, if my Lord gette a boy of you,
    youle giue him me: be true to my Lord, if he flinch chide me
    for it.
    Troy: You know now your hostages, your Vncles word and
    my firme faith.
    1740Pand. Nay Ile giue my word for her too: our kindred
    though they be long ere they bee woed, they are constant