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  • Title: Troilus and Cressida (Quarto 1, 1609)
  • Editor: William Godshalk
  • ISBN: 1-55058-301-8

    Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Editor: William Godshalk
    Peer Reviewed

    Troilus and Cressida (Quarto 1, 1609)

    of Troylus and Cresseida.
    Pan: Is a not? it dooes a man heart good, looke you what
    360hacks are on his helmet, looke you yonder, do you see, looke
    you there, thers no iesting, thers laying on, takt off, who will
    as they say, there be hacks.
    Cres. Be those with swords.
    Enter Paris.
    365Pan: Swords, any thing he cares not, and the diuell come to
    him, its all one, by Gods lid it dooes ones heart good. Yon-
    der comes Paris, yonder comes Paris, looke yee yonder
    Neece, ist not a gallant man to, ist not, why this is braue now,
    who said he came hurt home to day. Hee's not hurt, why this
    370will do Hellens heart good now ha? would I could see Troy-
    lus now, you shall see Troylus anon.
    Cres. Whose that?
    Enter Helenus:
    375Pan. Thats Helenus, I maruell where Troylus is, thats He-
    lenus, I thinke he went not forth to day, thats Helenus.
    Cres: Can Helenus fight vncle?
    Pan: Helenus no: yes heele fight indifferent, well, I maruell
    380where Troylus is; harke doe you not here the people crie
    Troylus? Helenus is a priest;
    Cres: What sneaking fellow comes yonder?
    Enter Troylus.
    Panda: Where? yonder? thats Deiphobus. Tis Troylus!
    385theres a man Neece, hem? braue Troylus the Prince of
    Cres. Peace for shame peace.
    Pan. Marke him, note him: O braue Troylus, looke well
    vpon him Neece, looke you how his sword is bloudied, and
    390his helme more hackt then Hectors, and how hee lookes, and
    how hee goes? O admirable youth, hee neuer saw three and
    twenty, go thy way Troylus, go thy way, had I a sister were a
    grace, or a daughter a Goddesse, hee should take his choiee,
    O admirable man! Paris? Paris is durt to him, and I warrant
    395Hellen to change would giue an eye to boote.
    Cres. Here comes more.
    Pa. Asses, fooles, doults, chaff & bran, chaff & bran, porredge
    400after meate, I could liue and die in the eyes of Troylus, nere
    B2 looke