of Troylus and Cresseida.
847802His cre
st that prouder then blew Iris bends,
848803If the dull brainle
Aiax come
safe o
ff 849804Weele dre
sse him vp in voices, if he faile
850805Yet go we vnder our opinion
851806That we haue better men, but hit or mi
852807Our proie
cts life this
shape of
sence a
853808Aiax imploy'd plucks downe
Achilles plumes.
854809Nest. Now
Vlisses I begin to reli
sh thy adui
855810And I will giue a ta
ste thereof forthwith,
Agamemnon, go we to him
857812Two curres
shall tame each other, pride alone
st arre the ma
ffs on, as twere a bone.
Exeunt. 859814Enter Aiax and Thersites. 861816 Ther. A
gamemnon, how if he had biles, full, all ouer, gene
- 864818Ther: And tho
se byles did run (
so), did not the gene
- 865819rall run then, were not that a botchy core.
Aiax. Dogge.
867820Ther. Then would come
some matter from him, I
see none
869822Aia: Thou bitchwolfs
son can
st thou not heare, feele then.
871823Ther. The plague of Greece vpon thee thou mongrell beefe
873825Aiax. Speake then thou vn
salted leauen,
speake, I will beate
875827Ther. I
sooner raile thee into wit and holine
sse, but I
876828thinke thy hor
se will
sooner cunne an oration without
877829booke, then thou learne praier without booke, thou can
st 878830strike can
st thou? a red murrion ath thy Iades trickes.
879831Aiax. Tode-
stoole? learne me the proclamation.
880832Ther: Doo
st thou thinke I haue no
sence thou
st mee
Aiax. The proclamation.
882834Ther: Thou art proclaim'd foole I thinke.
883835Aiax. Do not Porpentin, do not, my
fingers itch:
884836Ther. I would thou did
st itch from head to foote, and I had
scratching of the, I would make thee the loth
st scab
886838in Greece, when thou art forth in the incur
sions thou
st Aiax: