of Troylus and Cresseida.
Aiax, heauens what a man is there?
19781866A very hor
se, that has he knowes not what
st obie
ct in regard, and deere in v
19811869What things againe mo
st deere in the e
19821870And poore in worth, now
shall we
see to morrow,
19831871An a
ct that very chance doth throw vpon him
19841872Aiax renown'd
? O heauens what
some men doe,
some men creepe in skitti
sh fortunes hall,
19871875Whiles others play the Ideots in her eyes,
19881876How one man eates into anothers pride,
19891877While pride is fa
sting in his wantone
see the
se Grecian Lords, why euen already
: 19911879They clap the lubber
Aiax on the
19921880As if his foote were one braue
Hectors bre
19951883For they pa
st by me as mi
sers do by beggars,
19961884Neither gaue to me good word nor looke:
19981886Vliss. Time hath (my Lord
) a wallet at his back,
19991887Wherein he puts almes for obliuion:
20001888A great
siz'd mon
ster of ingratitudes,
scraps are good deeds pa
20021890Which are deuour'd as fa
st as they are made,
20031891Forgot as
soone as done, per
seuerance deere my Lord:
20041892Keepes honour bright, to haue done, is to hang,
20051893Quite out of fa
shion like a ru
sty male,
20061894In monumentall mockry? take the in
stant way,
20071895For honour trauells in a
so narrow:
20081896Where on but goes a bre
st, keepe then the path
20091897For emulation hath a thou
sand Sonnes,
20101898That one by one pur
sue, if you giue way,
20111899Or turne a
side from the dire
ct forth right:
20121900Like to an entred tide they all ru
sh by,
20131901And leaue you him, mo
st, then what they do in pre
20171902Though le
sse then yours in pa
sse, mu
st ore top yours.
G2 For