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  • Title: Titus Andronicus (Quarto 1, 1594)

  • Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Titus Andronicus (Quarto 1, 1594)

    The most lamentable Tragedie
    Demetrius, with Aron the More, and others as many as can
    be, then set downe the Coffin, and Titus speakes.

    Titus. Haile Rome, victorious in thy mourning weeds,
    Lo as the Barke that hath dischargd his fraught,
    Returnes with pretious lading to the bay,
    From whence at first shee wayd her anchorage;
    95Commeth Andronicus, bound with Lawrell bowes,
    To resalute his Countrie with his teares,
    Teares of true ioy for his returne to Rome,
    Thou great defender of this Capitoll,
    Stand gratious to the rights that we entend.
    100Romaines, of fiue and twenty valiant sonnes,
    Halfe of the number that king Priam had,
    Behold the poore remaines aliue and dead:
    These that suruiue, let Rome reward with loue:
    These that I bring vnto their latest home,
    105With buriall amongst their auncestors.
    Here Gothes haue giuen me leaue to sheath my sword,
    Titus vnkinde, and careles of thine owne,
    Why sufferst thou thy sonnes vnburied yet,
    To houer on the dreadfull shore of slix,
    110Make way to lay them by their brethren.
    They open the Tombe.
    There greete in silence as the dead are wont,
    And sleepe in peace, slaine in your Countries warres:
    O sacred Receptacle of my ioyes,
    115Sweete Cell of vertue and Nobilitie,
    How many sonnes hast thou of mine in store,
    That thou wilt neuer render to me more.
    Lucius. Giue vs the prowdest prisoner of the Gothes.
    That we may hew his limbs and on a pile,
    120Ad manus fratrum, sacrifice his flesh:
    Before this earthy prison of their boanes,
    That so the shadows be not vnappeazde,