of Titus Andronicus.
13981351Where life hath no more intere
st but to breath.
13991352Marcus. Alas poore hart, that ki
sse is comfortle
14001353As frozen water to a
14011354Titus. When will this fearefull
slumber haue an end?
14021355Mar. Now farewell
flattrie, die
14031356Thou do
st not
see thy two
sonnes heads,
14041357Thy warlike hand, thy mangled Daughter heere:
14051358Thy other bani
sonne with this deere
14061359Strucke pale and bloodle
sse, and thy brother I,
14071360Euen like a
stony image cold and numme.
14081361Ah now no more will I controwle thy greefes,
14091362Rent o
ff thy
siluer haire, thy other hand,
14101363Gnawing with thy teeth, and be this di
14111364The clo
sing vp of our mo
st wretched eies:
14121365Now is a time to
storme, why art thou
14141367M. Why do
st thou laugh? It
fits not with this houre.
14151368Titus. Why I haue not another teare to
sides this
sorrow is an enemie,
14171370And would v
surpe vpon my watrie eies,
14181371And make them blinde with tributarie teares.
14191372Then which way
shall I
find Reuenges Caue,
14201373For the
se two heads doe
seeme to
speake to mee
14211374And threat me, I
shall neuer come to bli
14221375Till all the
se mi
schiefes be returnd againe,
14231376Euen in their throats that hath commited them.
14241377Come let me
see what taske I haue to doe,
14251378You heauie people cirkle me about.
14261379That I may turne mee to each one of you,
sweare vnto my
soule to right your wrongs,
14281381The vow is made. Come brother take a head,
14291382And in this hand the other will I beare,
14301383And L
auinia thou
shalt be imployde in the
se Armes,
14311384Beare thou my hand
sweet wench betweene thy teeth:
14321385As for thee boy, goe get thee from my
F3 Thou