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  • Title: Titus Andronicus (Quarto 1, 1594)

  • Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Titus Andronicus (Quarto 1, 1594)

    of Titus Andronicus.
    Tamora. My worthy Lord, if euer Tamora,
    Were gratious in those Princelie eies of thine,
    Then heare me speake indifferently for all:
    480And at my sute (sweete) pardon what is past.
    Saturnine. What Madam be dishonoured openly,
    And baselie put it vp without reuenge.
    Tamora. Not so my Lord, the Gods of Rome forfend.
    485I should be Authour to dishonour you.
    But on mine honour dare I vndertake,
    For good Lord Titus innocence in all,
    Whose furie not dissembled speakes his griefes:
    Then at my sute looke gratiouslie on him,
    490Loose not so noble a friend on vaine suppose,
    Nor with sowre looks afflict his gentle hart.
    My Lord: Be rulde by me, be wonne at last,
    Dissemble all your griefes and discontents,
    You are but newlie planted in your Throne,
    495Least then the people, and Patricians too,
    Vpon a iust suruay take Titus part,
    And so supplant you for ingratitude,
    Which Rome reputes to be a hainous sinne.
    Yeeld at intreats: and then let me alone,
    500Ile find a day to massacre them all,
    And race their faction and their familie,
    The cruell father, and his traiterous sonnes,
    To whom I sued for my deare sonnes life.
    And make them know what tis to let a Queene,
    505Kneele in the streets and begge for grace in vaine.
    Come, come sweete Emperour, (come Andronicus:)
    Take vp this good old man, and cheare the hart,
    That dies in tempest of thy angrie frowne.
    Saturnine. Rise Titus rise, my Empresse hath preuaild.
    Titus. I thanke your Maiestie, and her my Lord,
    These words, these looks, infuse new life in me.
    515Tamora. Titus I am incorporate in Rome,
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