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  • Title: Titus Andronicus (Quarto 1, 1594)

  • Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Titus Andronicus (Quarto 1, 1594)

    The most Lamentable Tragedie
    Chiron. And that would she for twenty thousand more.
    1725Deme. Come let vs goe and pray to all the Gods,
    For our beloued mother in her paines.
    Aron. Pray to the deuills, the Gods haue giuen vs ouer.
    Trumpets sound.
    Demet. Why do the Emperours trumpets flourish(thus.
    1730Chi. Belike for ioy the Emperour hath a sonne.
    Demetrius. Soft who comes here.

    Enter Nurse with a blackamoore childe.

    Nurse. God morrow Lords, O tell me did you see Aron(the Moore.
    1735Aron. Well, more or lesse, or nere a whit at all,
    Here Aron is, and what with Aron now.
    Nurse. Oh gentle Aron we are all vndone,
    Now helpe, or woe betide thee euermore.
    Aron. Why what a catterwalling dost thou keepe,
    1740what dost thou wrap and fumble in thy armes?
    Nur. O that which I would hide from heauens eye,
    Our Empresse shame and stately Romes disgrace,
    Shee is deliuered Lords she is deliuered.
    Aron. To whome.
    1745Nur. I meane she is brought abed.
    Aron. Well god giue her good rest, what hath he sent(her?
    Nurse. A diuell.
    A. Why then she is the deuils Dam, a ioyfull issue,
    1750N. A Ioyles, dismall, blacke, and sorrowfull issue,
    Here is the babe as loathsome as a toade,
    Amongst the fairefast breeders of our clime,
    The Empresse sends it thee, thy stampe, thy seale,
    And bids thee christen it with thy daggers point.
    1755A. Zounds ye whore, is blacke so base a hue?
    Sweete blowse you are a beautious blossome sure.
    Deme. Villaine what hast thou done?
    A. That which thou canst not vndoe.
    Chiron. Thou hast vndone our mother.