Peer Reviewed
- Edition: The Sonnets
Shake-speares Sonnets (Quarto 1, 1609)
- Texts of this edition
- Facsimiles
1171WHilst I alone did call vpon thy ayde,
1172My verse alone had all thy gentle grace,
1173But now my gracious numbers are decayde,
1175I grant ( sweet loue )thy louely argument
1176Deserues the trauaile of a worthier pen,
1177Yet what of thee thy Poet doth inuent,
1178He robs thee of, and payes it thee againe,
1180From thy behauiour, beautie doth he giue
1181And found it in thy cheeke: he can affoord
1186O How I faint when I of you do write,
1189To make me toung-tide speaking of your fame.
1190But since your worth(wide as the Ocean is)
1193On your broad maine doth wilfully appeare.
1196Or ( being wrackt ) I am a worthlesse bote,
1197He of tall building, and of goodly pride.
1201OR I shall liue your Epitaph to make,
1202Or you suruiue when I in earth am rotten,
1203From hence your memory death cannot take,
1204Although in me each part will be forgotten.
1205Your name from hence immortall life shall haue,
1206Though I ( once gone) to all the world must dye,
1207The earth can yeeld me but a common graue,
1208When you intombed in mens eyes shall lye,
1210Which eyes not yet created shall ore-read,
1212When all the breathers of this world are dead,