1450Enter in the Prison, meeting George and Captain, 1451George coming in muffled. 1452Cap. How now, who's that? what are you?
1453Pye. The
same that I
should be, Captain.
1454Cap. George Pye-
board, hone
st George? why cam'
st 1455thou in half-fac'd, mu
1456Pye. Oh Captain, I thought we
should nere ha laught
1457agen, never
spent frolick hour agen.
1459Pye. I coming to prepare thee, and with news
1460As happy as thy quick delivery,
1461Was trac'd out by the
sent, arre
sted, Captain.
1462Cap. Arre
1463Pye. Arre
sted; guess, guess, how many Dogs do you
1465Cap. Dogs? I
say, I know not.
1466Pye. Almo
st as many as
George Stone the Bear:
1467Three at once, three at once.
1468Cap. How did'
st thou
shake'em o
ff then?
1469Pye. The time is bu
sie, and calls upon our wits, let it (
1470Here I
safe, and
scap't by miracle:
1471Some other hour
shall tell thee, when we'll
1472Our eyes in laughter: Captain, my device
1473Leans to thy happiness, for ere the day
spent toth' Girdle, thou
shalt be free:
1475The Corporal's in's
st sleep, the Chain is mi
1476Thy Kin
sman has expre
st thee, and the old Knight
1477With Pal
sey-hams now labours thy relea
1478What re
sts, is all in thee, to Conjure, Captain?
1479Cap. Conjure?
George, you know, the Devil a
1480conjuring I can conjure.
1481Pye. The Devil of conjuring? nay by my fay, I'de not
1482have thee do
so much, Captain, as the Devil a conjuring:
1483look here, I ha brought thee a Circle ready chara
1485Ca. Sfoot,
George, art in thy right wits, do
st know what
st? why do
st talk to a Captain a conjuring? did
st 1487thou ever hear of a Captain conjure in thy life? do
st call't
1488a Circle? 'tis too wide a thing, me thinks; had it been
1489a le
sser Circle, then I knew what to have done.
1490Pye. Why every fool knowes that Captain: nay then
1491I'le not cog with you, Captain, if you'll
stay and hang
1492the next Se
ssions you may.
1493Cap. No, by my faith,
George, come, come, let's to
1495Pye. But if you look to be relea
sed, as my wits have
1496took pain to work it, and all means wrought to farther it,
sides to put Crowns in your pur
se, to make you a man
1498of better hopes, and whereas before you were a Captain
1499or poor Souldier, to make you now a Commander of rich
1500fooles, (which is truly the onely be
st purcha
se peace can
1501allow you)
safer then High-wayes, Heath, or Cony-groves,
1502and yet a far better booty; for your greate
st thieves are
1503never hang'd, never hang'd; for why? they're wi
se, and
1504cheat within doores; and we geld fooles of more money
1505in one night, then your fal
se-tail'd Gelding will purcha
1506in a twelve-moneths running, which con
firmes the old
saying, he's wi
st, that keeps him
self warme
1508that is, he that robs by a good
1509Capt. Well opened ifaith,
George, thou ha
st pull'd
saying out of the hu
1511Pye. Captain
Idle, 'Tis no time now to delude or de
- 1512lay, the old Knight will be here
suddenly, I'le perfe
ct 1513you, dire
ct you, tell you the trick on't: 'tis nothing.
1514Capt. 'Sfoot,
George, I know not what to
say to't,
1515conjure? I
shall be hang'd ere I conjure.
1516Pye. Nay, tell not me of that, Captain, you'll ne're
1517conjure after you're hang'd, I warrant you, look you,
1518a parlous matter,
st to
spread your circle upon the
1519ground, then with a little conjuring ceremony, as I'le
1520have an Hackney-mans wand
silver'd o're a purpo
se for
1521you, then arriving in the circle, with a huge word, and a
1522great trample, as for in
stance: have you never
seen a
- 1523king,
stamping Player, that will rai
se a tempe
st with his
1524tongue, and thunder with his heeles?
1525Cap. O yes, yes, yes; often, often.
1526Pye. Why be like
such a one? for any thing will blear
1527the old Knights eyes: for you mu
st note, that he'll ne're
1528dare to venture into the room, onely perhaps peep fear
- 1529fully through the Key-hole, to
see how the Play goes for
- 1531Capt. Well, I may go about it when I will, but mark
1532the end on't, I
shall but
shame my
self ifaith,
1533speak big words, and
stamp and
stare, and he look in at
1534Key-hole, why the very thought of that would make me
1535laugh out-right, and
spoile all: nay I'le tell thee,
1536when I apprehend a thing once, I am of
such a laxative
1537laughter, that if the Devil him
stood by, I
1539Pye. Puh, that's but the babe of a man, and may ea
si- 1540ly be hu
sht, as to think upon
some di
sad mi
s- 1541fortune, as the death of thy Father ith' Countrey.
1542Cap. 'Sfoot, that would be the more to drive me into
1543such an exta
sie, that I
should ne.re lin laughing.
1544Pye. Why then think upon going to hanging el
1545Cap. Ma
sse that's well remembred, now I'le doe well,
1546I warrant thee, ne're fear me now: but how
shall I doe,
1547George, for boy
sterous words, and horrible names?
1548Pye. Puh, any fu
stian invocations, Captain, will
1549as well as the be
so you rant them out well, or you may
1550go to a Pothecaries
shop, and take all the words from the
1552Cap. Troth, and you
say true,
George, there's
1553words enow to rai
se a hundred Quack-
salvers, though
1554they be ne're
so poor when they begin? but here lies the
1555fear on't, how in this fal
se conjuration, a true Devil
1556should pop up indeed.
1557Pye. A true Devil, Captain? why there was ne're
1558a one, nay faith he that has this place, is as fal
se a Knave
1559as our la
st Church-warden.
1560Cap. Then h'as fal
se enough a con
science ifaith,
1561The Cry at Marshalsea. 1562Cry prisoners. Good Gentlemen over the way,
1564Good Gentlemen over the way,---Good
1565Pye. He's come, he's come.
1566Nich. Ma
ster, that's my Kin
sman yonder in the Bu
ff- 1567Jerkin---Kin
sman, that's my Ma
ster yonder ith' Ta
- 1568ty Hat---pray
salute him intirely?
1569They salute: and Pye-boord salutes Master Edmond. 1570Sir God. Now my friend.
1571Pye. May I partake your name,
1572Edm. My name is Ma
1573Pye. Ma
Edmond,---are you not a
1574Edm. A
Welsh-man? why?
1575Pye. Becau
se Ma
ster is your Chri
sten name, and
Ed- 1577Edm. O no: I have more names at home, Ma
1578Edmond Plus is my full name at length.
1579Pye. O cry you mercy
Whispering. 1580Cap. I under
stand that you are my Kin
smans good
ster, and in regard of that, the be
st of my
skill is at
service: but had you fortun'd a meer
stranger, and
1583made no meanes to me by acquaintance, I
should have
1584utterly denyed to have been the man; both by rea
son of
1585the A
ct of Parliament again
st Conjurers and Witches,
1586as al
so, becau
se I would not have my Art vulgar, trite,
1588Sir God. I much commend your care there, good
1589Captain Conjurer, and that I will be
sure to have it pri
- 1590vate enough, you
shall do't in my Si
sters hou
1591own hou
se I may call it, for both our charges therein are
1593Capt. Very good,
sir,---what may I call your lo
1594Sir God. O you may call't a great lo
sse, a grievous
sir, as goodly a Chain of Gold, though I
say it, that
1596wore it: how
st thou,
1597Nich. O 'twas as delicious a Chain a Gold, Kin
1599Sir God. You know? did you know't, Captain?
1600Cap. Tru
st a fool with
secrets?---Sir he may
say I
1601know: his meaning is, becau
se my Art is
such, that by it
1602I may gather a knowledge of all things.---
1603Sir God. I very true.
1604Capt. A pax of all fooles---the excu
stuck upon my
1605tongue like Ship-pitch uoon a Mariners Gown, not to
1606come o
ff in ha
ste---ber-lady, Knight, to lo
such a fair
1607Chain a Gold, were a foule lo
sse: Well, I can put you in
1608this good comfort on't, if it be between heaven and earth,
1609Knight, I'le ha't for you?
1610Sir God. A wonderfull Conjurer,---O I, 'tis between
1611heaven and earth I warrant you, it cannot go out of the
1612Realm,---I know 'tis
somewhere about the earth.
1613Cap. I, nigher the earth then thou wot'
st on.
1614Sir God. For
st my Chain was rich, and no rich
shall enter into heaven, you know.
1616Nich. And as for the Devil, Ma
ster, he has no need
1617on't, for you know he has a great Chain of his own.
1618Sir Godf. Thou
st true,
Nicholas, but he has put
ff that now, that lyes by him.
1620Cap. Faith Knight, in few words, I pre
so much
1621upon the power of my Art, that I could warrant your
1623Sir Godf. O dainty Captain!
1624Cap. Marry it will co
st me much
sweat, I were better
1625go to
sixteen Hot-hou
1626Sir Godf. I, good man, I warrant thee.
1627Cap. Be
side great vexation of Kidney and Liver.
1628Nic. O, 'twill tickle you hereabouts, Cou
sin, becau
1629you have not been us'd to't.
1630Sir Godf. No? have you not been us'd to't, Captain?
1631Cap Plague of all fools
still;--indeed Knight I have
1632not us'd it a good while, and therefore 'twill
strain me
1633much the more, you know.
1634Sir Godf. Oh it will, it will.
1635Cap. What plunges he puts me to? were not this
1636Knight a fool, I had been twice
spoil'd now; that Cap
- 1637tain's wor
se then accur
st that has an A
sse to a Kin
1638sfoot I fear he will drivel't out before I come to't.--Now
1639sir,--to come to the point indeed, --you
see I
stick here
1640in the jaw of the
Marshalsea, and cannot do't.
1641Sir Godf. Tut tut, I know thy meaning, thou would
st 1642say thou'rt a pri
soner, I tell thee th'art none.
1643Cap. How, none? why is not this the
1644Sir Godf. Woult hear me
speak? I heard of thy rare
1646My Chain was lo
st, I
sweat for thy relea
1647As thou
shalt do the like at home for me:
1651Sir Godf. Speak, is not this man free?
1652Keep. Yes, at his plea
sure, Sir, the Fees di
1653Sir Godf. Go, go, I'le di
scharge them, I.
1654Keep. I thank your Wor
Exit Keeper. 1655Cap. Now, tru
st me, y'are a dear Knight; kindne
cted! oh there's nothing to a free Gentleman.--I
1657will Conjure for you,
sir, 'till Froth come through my
1659Sir Godf. Nay, then thou
shalt not pa
sse with
so lit
- 1660tle a bounty, for at the
st sight of my Chain agen,---
five Angels
shall appear unto thee.
1662Cap. 'Twill be a glorious
show, ifaith Knight, a very
show; but are all the
se of your own hou
se? are you
1665Sir Godf. I, I, no, no; what's he yonder talking with
1666my wild Nephew, pray heaven he give him good coun
1667Cap. Who, he? he's a rare friend of mine, an admi
- 1668rable fellow, Knight, the
st Fortune-teller.
1669Sir Godf. Oh! 'tis he indeed, that came to my Lady
1670sister, and foretold the lo
sse of my Chain; I am not an
- 1671gry with him now, for I
see 'twas my Fortune to lo
se it:
1672By your leave, Mr. Fortune-teller, I had a glimps of you
1673at home, at my Si
sters the Widows, there you prophe
- 1674sied of the loss of a Chain: -
simply though I
stand here,
1675I was he that lo
st it.
1676Pye. Was it you,
1677Edm. A my troth, Nuncle, he's the rare
st fellow, has
1678told me my fortune
so right; I
find it
so right to my na
- 1680Sir Godf. What is't? God
send it a good one.
1681Edm. O, 'tis a pa
ssing good one, Nuncle: for he
shall prove
such an excellent Game
ster in my time, that
spend all fa
ster then my Father got it.
1684Sir Godf. There's a Fortune indeed.
1685Edm. Nay, it hits my humour
so pat.
1686Sir Godf. I, that will be the end on't: will the Cur
1687of the Beggar prevail
so much, that the
shall con
1688that fooli
shly, which the father got craftily; I, I, I;
1689'twill, 'twill, 'twill.
1690Pye. Stay,
Pye-board with an Almanack, 1691Cap. Turn over,
and the Captain. 1692Pye. June,
July; here,
July, thats the month, Sunday
1693thirteen, ye
sterday fourteen, to day
1694Cap. Look quickly for the
fifteen day,--if within the
sse of the
se two dayes there would be
some Boy
- 1696strous
storm or other, it would be the be
st, I'de defer him
ff till then;
some Tempe
st, and it be thy will.
1698Pye. Here's the
fifteen day,--Hot and fair.
1699Cap. Puh, would t'ad been, Hot and foul.
1700Pye. The
sixteen day, that's to morrow; The mor
- 1701ning for the mo
st part, fair and plea
1703Pye. But about high-noon, Lightning and thunder.
1704Cap. Lightning and thunder? admirable! be
st of all!
1705I'le Conjure to morrow ju
st at high-noon,
1706Pye. Happen but true to morrow, Almanack, and I'le
1707give the leave to lye all the year after.
1708Cap. Sir, I mu
st crave your patience, to be
stow this
1709day upon me, that I may furni
sh my
1710a Spirit into
Lancashire tother day, to fetch back a knave
1711Drover, and I look for his return this evening--to mor
- 1712row morning, my friend here, and I will come and break
- 1714Sir Godf. Oh, you
shall be mo
st welcome.
1715Cap. And about noon, without fail, I purpo
se to Con
- 1717Sir Godf. Mid-noon will be a
fit time for you.
1718Edm. Conjuring? do you mean to Conjure at our
se, to morrow, Sir?
1720Cap. Marry do I,
sir? 'tis my intent, young Gentle
- 1722Edm. By my troth, I'le love you while I live for't: ô
Nicholas, we
shall have Conjuring to morrow.
1724Nic. Puh I, I could ha told you of that.
1725Cap. Law, he could ha told him of that, fool, coxcomb,
1727Edm. Do you hear me,
sir, I de
sire more acquaintance
1728on you, you
shall earn
some money of me, now I know
1729you can Conjure; but can you fetch any that is lo
1730Cap. Oh, anything that's lo
1731Edm. Why look you,
sir, I tell't you as a friend and a
1732Conjurer; I
should marry a Pothecaries Daughter, and
1733'twas told me,
she lo
st her Maiden-head at
Strat- 1734ford: now if you'll do but
so much as Conjure for't, and
1735make all whole agen---
1736Cap. That I will, Sir.
1737Edm. By my troth I thank you, la.
1738Cap. A little merry with your
1739Sir Godf. Oh, a
simple young man, very
simple, come
1740Captain, and you,
sir; we'll e'en part with a gallon of
1741wine 'till to morrow break-fa
1742Tip. Cap. Troth, agreed,
1743Nic. Kin
1744Pye. Why now thou art a good Knave, worth a hun
- 1746Nic. Am I indeed, la: I thank you heartily, la.