1106Sir God. Out varlet? it had full three thou
sand Lincks,
1107I have oft told it over at my prayers:
1108Over and over, full three thou
sand Lincks.
1109Frail. Had it
sure it cannot be lo
st then; I'le
1110put you in that comfort.
1112Frail. Why if your Chain had
so many Lincks, it
1113cannot chu
se but come to light.
1115Sir God. Delu
sion. Now, long
Nicholas, where is my
1117Nich. Why about your neck, is't not,
1118Sir God. About my neck, Varlet? my Chain is lo
stoln away, I'me robb'd.
1120Wid. Nay, Brother,
show your
self a man.
1121Nic. If it be lo
st or
stole, if he would be patient, Mi
- 1122stre
sse, I could bring him to a Cunning Kin
sman of mine
1123that would fetch it again with a Se
1124Sir God. Can
st thou? I will be patient,
say, where
1126Nic. Marry he dwells now,
sir, where he would not
1127dwell and he could choo
se, in the
sir; but
1128he's an exlent fellow if he were out: h'as travell'd all the
1129world o're, he, and been in the
seven and twenty Provin
- 1130ces: why he would make it be fetcht,
sir, if it were rid a
sand mile out of town.
1132Sir God. An admirable fellow, what lies he for;
1133Nic. Why he did but rob a Steward of ten groats
1134tother night, as any man would ha done, and there he
1136Sir God. I'le make his peace, a tri
fle, I'le get his par
-(don, 1137Be
sides a bountifull reward, I'le about it,
see the Clerks, the Ju
stice will do much;
1139I will about it
straight, good
sister pardon me,
1140All will be well I hope, and turn to good,
1141The name of Conjurer has laid my blood.
1142Enter Puttock and Ravenshaw two Serjeants, with Yeo- 1143man Dogson,
to arrest the Scholler George Pye-
1144Put. His Ho
sse where he lies will tru
st him no
she hath feed me to arre
st him; if you will ac
- 1146company me, becau
se I know not of what nature the
1147Schollar is, whether de
sperate or
swift, you
1148with me, Serjeant
shaw, I have the good Angel to
1150Raven. Troth I'le take part with thee then, Serjeant,
1151not for the
sake of the money
so much, as for the hate I
1152bear to a Schollar: why, Serjeant, 'tis naturall in us
1153you know to hate Schollars: naturall be
sides, they will
sh our imperfe
ctions, knaveries, and Conveyances
1155upon Sca
ffolds and Stages.
1156Put. I, and
spightfully too; troth I have wondred
1157how the
slaves could
see into our brea
so much, when
1158our Doublets are button'd with Pewter.
1159Raven. I, and
so clo
se without yielding: oh, their
1160parlous fellowes, they will
search more with their wits,
1161than a Con
stable with all his O
1162Put. Whi
st, whi
st, whi
st, Yeoman
Dogson, Yeoman
1164Dog. Ha? what
sayes Serjeant?
1165Put. Is he in the Pothecaries
1167Put. Have an eye, have an eye.
1168Raven. The be
st is, Serjeant, if he be a true Schollar
1169he weares no weapon I think.
1170Put. No, no, he weares no weapon.
1171Raven. Ma
sse, I am right glad of that: 'thas put me
1172in better heart; nay if I clutch him once, let me alone
1173to drag him if he be
ff-necked; I have been one of
six my
self, that has dragg'd as tall men of their hands,
1175when their weapons have bin gone, as ever ba
1176a Serjeant---I have done I can tell you.
1177Dog. Serjeant
Puttock, Serjeant
1179Dog. He's comming out
1180Put. Peace, peace, be not too greedy, let him play a
1181little, let him play a little, we'll jerk him up of a
1182I ha
fisht in my time.
1183Raven I, and caught many a fool, Serjeant.
1185Pye. I parted now from
Nicholas: the Chain's couch't,
1186And the old Knight has
spent his rage upon't,
1187The Widow holds me in great admiration
1188For cunning Art: 'mong
st joyes I'me e'ne lo
1189For my device can no way now be cro
1190And now I mu
st to pri
son to the Captain, and there---
1191Put. I arre
st you,
1192Pye. Oh---I
spoke truer then I was aware, I mu
st to
1194Put. They
say you're a Schollar, nay
1195Dogson, have care to his armes---you'll raile again Ser
- 1196jeants, and
stage 'em: you tickle their vices.
1197Pye. Nay, u
se me like a Gentleman, I'me little le
1198Put. You a Gentleman? that's a good je
st ifaith;
1199can a Schollar be a Gentleman,---when a Gentleman
1200will not be a Schollar;---look upon your wealthy Citi
- 1201zens Sons, whether they be Schollars or no, that are Gen
- 1202tlemen by their Fathers Trades: a Schollar a Gentleman!
1203Pye. Nay, let Fortune drive all her
stings into me,
1204she cannot hurt that in me, a Gentleman,
Accidens in- 1205separabile to my blood.
1206Raven. A rablement, nay you
shall have a bloody
1207rablement upon you I warrant you.
1208Put. Go, Yeoman
Dogson, before, and enter the A
- 1210Pye. Pray doe not handle me cruelly, I'le go
Ex. Dogs. 1211Whether you plea
se to have me.
1212Put. Oh, he's tame, let him loo
se Serjeant.
1213Pye. Pray at who
se Suit is this?
1214Put. Why, at your Ho
sses Suit where you lie, Mi
- 1215stre
Cunniburrow, for bed and board, the
summe four
shillings and
five pence.
1217Pye. I know the
summe too true, yet I pre
1218Upon a farther day; well, 'tis my
1219And I mu
st bear it now, though never harder.
swear now, my device is cro
st indeed.
1221Captain mu
st lie by't: this is Deceits
1222Put. Come, come away.
1223Pye. Pray give me
so much time as to knit my garter,
1224and I'le away with you.
1225Put. Well, we mu
st be paid for this waiting upon you,
1226this is no pains to attend thus.
Making to tie his Garter. 1227Pye. I am now wretched and mi
serable, I
shall ne're
1228recover of this di
se: hot Iron gnaw their
fists: they
struck a Fever into my
shoulder, which I
shall ne're
1230shake out again I fear me, till with a true
Habeas Corpus 1231the Sexton remove me, oh if I take pri
son once, I
shall be