2004a'th'chamber, go toward him, do what you will with him,
shall nere
find you.
2006Edm. Say you
so, I'le try that ifaith,---
Justles him. 2007Pye. Hoe now, Captain? who
se that ju
stled me?
2008Cap. Ju
stled you? I
saw no body.
2009Edm. Ha, ha, ha,--------
say 'twas a
2010Cap. Shall I?---may be
spirit that haunt the circle.
2011Pye. O my no
se, agen, pray conjure then Captain.
2012Pulls him by the Nose. 2013Edm. Troth this is exlent, I may do any knavery now
2014and never be
seen,--and now I remember me, Sir
God- 2015frey my Uncle abus'd me tother day, and told tales of me
2016to my Mother---Troth now I'me invi
sible, I'le hit
2017him a
sound wherrit a'th'ear, when he comes out a'th'gar
- 2018den,---I may be reveng'd on him now
2019Enter Sir Godfrey, Widow, Frank, Nicho-
2021Sir Godf. I have my Chain again, my Chain's found
Edmond strikes him. 2023O
sweet Captain, O admirable Conjurer.
2024Oh, what mean you by that, Nephew?
2025Edm. Nephew? I hope you do not know me, Uncle?
2026Wid. Why did you
strike your Uncle, Son?
2027Edm. Why Captain, am I not invi
2028Cap. A good je
George,---not now you are not
2029Why did you not
see me, when I did uncharme you?
2030Edm. Not I, by my troth, Captain:
2031Then pray you pardon me, Uncle,
2032I thought I'de been invi
sible when I
struck you.
2033Sir Godf. So, you would do't? go,---y'are a fooli
sh boy,
2034And were I not ore-come with greater joy,
2035I'de make you ta
ste corre
2036Edm. Corre
ction, pu
sh---no, neither you nor my
shall think to whip me as you have done.
2038Sir Godf. Captain, my joy is
such, I know not how
2039to thank you, let me embrace you, O my
sweet Chain,
sse e'en makes me giddy, rare man: 'twas ju
st i'th'
semary bank, as if one
should ha laid it there,----oh
2043Wid. Well,
seeing my fortune tells me I mu
st marry;
2044let me marry a man of wit, a man of parts, here's a wor[-}
2045thy Captain, and 'tis a
fine Title truly la to be a Cap
- 2046tain's Wife, a Captain's Wife, it goes very
finely, be
2047all the world knows that a worthy Captain, is a
fit Com
- 2048panion to any Lord, then why not a
sweet bed-fellow
2049for any Lady,---I'le have it
2051Frail. O Mi
stris, Gentlemen, there's the brave
st sight
2052coming along this way.
2053Wid. What brave
2054Frail. Oh, one going to burying, and another going
2056Wid. A ruefull
2057Pye. 'Sfoot Captain, I'le pawn my life the Corporal's
ffin'd, and old
Skirmish the
souldier going to execution,
2059and 'tis now about the time of his waking; hold out a
2060little longer
sleepy potion, and we
shall have exlent ad
- 2061miration; for I'le take upon me the cure of him.
2062Enter the Coffin of the Corporal, the souldier bound, 2063and led by Officers, the Sheriff there,
2064Frail. Oh here they come, here they come!
2065Pye. Now mu
st I clo
secretly with the Souldier,
2066prevent his impatience, or el
se all's di
2067Wid. O lamentable
seeing, the
se were tho
se Brothers,
2068that fought and bled before our door.
2069Sir Godf. What they were not, Si
2070Skirm. George, look to't, I'le peach at
Tiburn el
2071Pye. Mum,---Gentles all, vouch
safe me audience, and
2072you e
specially Ma
ster Sheri
2073Yon man is bound to execution,
se he wounded this that now lies co
2075Sher. True, true, he
shall have the law,---and I know
2077Pye. But under favour, Ma
ster Sheri
ff, if this man had
2078been cured and
safe agen, he
should have been releas'd
2080Sher. Why, make you que
stion of that, Sir?
2081Pye. Then I relea
se him freely, and will take upon me
2082the death that he
should die, if within a little
son, I do
2083not cure him to his proper health again.
2084Sher. How
sir? recover a dead man?
2085That were mo
st strange of all.
Frank comes to him. 2086Frank. Sweet
sir, I love you dearly, and could wi
sh 2087my be
st part yours,--oh do not undertake
such an impo
s- 2089Pye. Love you me; then for your
sake I'le do't:
2090Let me entreat the corps to be
set down.
2091Sher. Bearers
set down the Co
ffin,---this is wonderfull,
2092and worthy
Stoes Chronicle.
2093Pye. I pray be
stow the freedome of the aire upon our
some Art,---Ma
sse his cheeks begin to receive natu
- 2095ral warmth: nay good Corporal wake betime, or I
2096have a longer
sleep then you,--'Sfoot if he
should prove
2097dead indeed now, he were fully reveng'd upon me for
2098making a property on him, yet I had rather run upon
2099the Ropes, then have the Rope like a Tetter run upon me,
stirs agen---look Gentlemen, he reco
- 2101vers, he
starts, he ri
2102Sher. Oh, oh, defend us---out alas.
2103Pye. Nay pray be
still; you'll make him more giddy
se,--he knows no body yet.
2105Cor. Zowns: where am I? cover'd with
snow? I marvail?
2106Pye. Nay, I knew he would
swear the
st thing he
2107did, as
soon as he came to life again.
2108Corp. 'Sfoot Ho
some hot porridge,---oh, oh,
2109lay on a dozen of Fagots in the Moon Parler, there.
2110Pye. Lady, you mu
st needs take a little pitty of him
2111ifaith, and
send him into your Kitchin
2112Wid. Oh, with all my heart
Nicholas and
Frail- 2113ty, help to bear him in.
2114Nic. Bear him in, quatha, pray call out the Maids, I
2115shall nere have the heart to do't indeed la.
2116Frail. Nor I neither, I cannot abide to handle a Gho
st 2118Cor. 'Sloud, let me
see, where was I drunk la
st night, hah-->
2119Wid. Oh,
shall I bid you once agen take him away.
2120Frai. Why, we're as fearfull as you I warrant you--oh--
2121Wid. Away villains, bid the maids make him a Caw
- 2122dle pre
sently to
settle his brain--or a po
sset of Sack,
2123quickly, quickly.
Exeunt, pushing in the corps. 2124Sher. Sir, what
so ere you are, I do more then admire
2126Wid. O I, if you knew all, Ma
ster Sheri
ff, as you
2127do, you would
say then, that here were two of the rare
st 2128men within the walls of Chri
2129Sher. Two of 'em, O wonderfull: O
fficers I di
set him free, all's in tune.