Not Peer Reviewed
The History of Sir John Oldcastle (Folio 3, 1664)
1327Enter Priest and Doll.
1328Doll. By my troth, thou art as jealous a man as lives.
1330my Goods, my Jewels, my Wealth, my purse, none walks
1331within forty miles of London, but a plies thee as truly, as
1332the Parish does the poor mans box.
1334and thou know'st well enough, I was in as good doing,
1335when I came to thee, as any wench need to be: and
1337not be kept as I ha bin, that I will not.
1338Priest. Doll, if this blade hold, there's not a Pedler
1340wares, as with thy ready mony in a merchants shop,
1341we'll have as good silver as the King coins any.
1343from the Courtier?
1346we'll have as good meat as mony can get, and as good
1347gowns as can be bought for gold, be merry wench, the
1348Malt-man comes on Monday.
1349Doll. You might have left me at Cobham, untill you
1350had been better provided for.
1353should come in the old Bel-fry.
1356here at Cray,
and the next sheep that comes shall leave