Internet Shakespeare Editions

About this text

  • Title: The History of Sir John Oldcastle (Folio 3, 1664)
  • Editor: Michael Best

  • Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Authors: Anonymous, Michael Drayton, Richard Hathway, Antony Munday, William Shakespeare, Robert Wilson
    Editor: Michael Best
    Not Peer Reviewed

    The History of Sir John Oldcastle (Folio 3, 1664)

    2170Enter the Host, L. Cobham, and Harpool.
    Host. Sir, y'are welcome to this house, to such as is
    here with all my heart: but I fear your lodging will be
    the worst. I have but two beds, and they are both in a
    chamber, and the Carrier and his daughter lies in the
    2175one, and you and your wife must lye in the other.
    Cob. Faith sir, for my self I do not greatly pass,
    My wife is weary, and would be at rest,
    For we have travel'd very far to day,
    We must be content with such as you have.
    2180Host. But I cannot tell how to do with your man.
    Har. What? hast thou never an empty room in thy
    house for me?
    Host. Not a bed in troth. There came a poor Irish-
    man, and I lodg'd him in the barn, where he has fair
    2185straw, although he have nothing else.
    Har. Well mine Host, I prythee help me to a pair of
    clean sheets, and I'le go lodge with him.
    Host. By the Mass that thou shalt, a good pair
    hempen sheets were nere layn in: come.Exeunt.