Authors: Anonymous, Michael Drayton, Richard Hathway, Antony Munday, William Shakespeare, Robert WilsonEditor: Michael BestNot Peer Reviewed
The History of Sir John Oldcastle (Folio 3, 1664)
607Har. O Lord,
sir, oh, oh,
608Feed, feed, 'tis whol
some, Rogue, whol
609Cannot you like an hone
st Sumner, walk with the Devil
610your brother, to fetch in your Baili
ff's rents; but you
st come to a Noble mans hou
se with proce
sse? If thy
612Seal were as broad as the Lead that covers
Rochester 613Church, thou
st eat it.
614Sum. O, I am almo
st choaked, I am almo
st choaked.
615Har. Who's within there? will you
shame my Lord,
616is there no beer in the hou
se? Butler I
617But. Here, here.
Ent. Butler. 618Har.Give him beer.
He drinks. 619There: tough old
skins, bare dry meat.
620Sum. O
sir, let me go no further, I'le eat my word.
621Har. Yea marry
sir, I mean ye
shall eat more then
622your own word, for I'le make you eat all the words in the
623Process. Why you drab-monger, cannot the
secrets of all
624the wenches in a Shire
serve your turn, but you mu
st come
625hither with a citation with a pox? I'le cite you.
626A cup of Sack for the
628Har. Here,
slave, I drink to thee.
629Sum. I thank you,
630Har. Now if thou
st thy
stomack well, becau
see my Lord keeps meat in's hou
se, if thou wilt
632go in, thou
shalt have a piece of beef to thy break-fa
633Sum. No I am very well, good M. Servingman, I
634thank you, very well,
635Har. I am glad on't, then be walking towards
Roche- 636ster to keep your
stomack warme. And
Sumner, If I do
637know you di
sturb a good wench within this Dioce
sse, if
638I do not make thee eat her petticoat, if there were four
639yards of Kenti
sh cloth in't, I am a villain.
640Sum. God be w'ye, M. Servingman.
Exit. 641Har. Farewell,
SumnerEnter Constable. 642Con. Save you, M.
643Har.Welcome Con
stable, welcome Con
stable, what
645Con. And't plea
se you, M.
Harpool, I am to make hue
646and cry for a fellow with one eye, that has rob'd two
647Clothiers, and am to crave your hindrance to
search all
cted places; and they
say there was a woman in the
650Har. Ha
st thou been at the Ale-hou
se? ha
st thou
652Con. I dur
st not
search in my Lord
Cobham's liberty,
653except I had
some of his
servants for my warrant.
654Har An hone
st Con
stable, call forth him that keeps
656Con. Ho, who's within there?
657Ale-m. Who calls there? Oh is't you, M. Con
658and M.
Harpool? y'are welcome with all my heart, what
659make you here
so early this morning?
660Har. Sirra, what
strangers do you lodge? there is a
661robbery done this morning, and we are to
search for all
663Ale man. Gods bores, I am
sorry for't. Ifaith,
sir, I
664lodge no body but a good hone
st Prie
st, call'd Sir John
Wrotham, and a hand
some woman that is his Neece,
666that he
saies has
suit in law for, and as they go up
667and down to
sometimes they lye at my hou
668Har.What, is
she here in thy hou
se now?
669Ale-m. She is,
sir: I promi
se you,
sir, he is a quiet
670man, and becau
se he will not trouble too many rooms, he
671makes the woman lye every night at his beds feet.
672Har. Bring her forth, Con
stable, bring her forth, let's
673see her, let's
see her.
674Ale-m. Dorothy, you mu
st come down to M. Con
-(stable. 675Dol. Anon for
She enters. 676Har. Welcome,
sweet La
sse, welcome.
677Dol. I thank you, good
sir, and M. Con
stable al
678Har. A plump girle by the Ma
sse, a plump girle: ha,
679Dol, ha. Wilt thou for
sake the Prie
st, and go with me
681Con.A well
said M.
Harpool, you are a merry old
682man ifaith; you will never be old now by the mack, a
684Har. Ye old mad merry Con
stable, art thou advis'd
685of that? Ha, well
some Ale here.
686Doll aside. Oh if I wi
st this old Prie
st would not
687to me, by Jove I would ingle this old
688Har. Oh you old mad colt, ifaith I'le ferk you:
689all the pots in the hou
se there.
690Con. Oh well
said M.
Harpool, you are heart of oak
692Harp. Ha
Dol, thou ha
st a
sweet pair of lips by the
694Dol. Truly you are a mo
st sweet old man, as ever I
695saw; by my troth, you have a face able to make any wo
- 697Har. Fill,
Doll, I'le drink to thee.
698Doll. I pledge you,
sir, and thank you therefore, and
699I pray you let it come.
700Harp. Imbracing her. Doll, can
st thou love me? a
701mad merry La
sse, would to God I had never
seen thee.
702Dol. I warrant you, you will not out of my thoughts
703this twelvemonth, truly you are as full of favour, as any
704man may be. Ah the
sweet gray locks, by my troth,
706Con. Cuds bores, M.
Harpool, I'le have one buss too.
707Har. No licking for you, Con
stable, hand o
ff, hand o
708Con. Berlady I love ki
ssing as well as you.
709Dol. Oh you are an odde boy, you have a wanton eye
710of your own: ah you
sugar-lipt wanton, you will
711win as many womens hearts as come in your company.
713Priest. Doll, come hither.
714Har. Prie
shall not.
715Dol. I'le come anon,
sweet love.
716Priest. Hand o
ff, old fornicator.
717Har. Vicar, I'le
sit here in
spight of thee, is this
ff 718for a Prie
st to carry up and down with him?
719Priest. Sirra, do'
st thou not know that a good fellow
son may have a chappel of ea
se, where his pari
sh 722Har. You whor
ston'd Vicar.
723Priest. You old
stale Ru
ffin, you Lion of Cot
724Har. Zounds, Vicar, I'le geld you.
Flies upon him. 725Con. Keep the Kings peace.
726Dol. Murder, murder, murder.
727Ale-m. Hold, as you are men, hold; for Gods
sake be
728quiet: put up your weapons, you draw not in my hou
729Har. You whor
son bawdy Prie
730Priest. You old mutton-monger.
731Con. Hold, Sir
John, hold.
732Dol. I pray thee,
sweet heart, be quiet, I was but
- 733ting to drink a pot of Ale with him, even as kind a man
735Har. Thou art a Thief, I warrant thee.
736Priest. Then I am but as thou ha
st been in thy dayes,
737let's not be a
shamed of our Trade, the King has been a