Authors: Anonymous, Michael Drayton, Richard Hathway, Antony Munday, William Shakespeare, Robert WilsonEditor: Michael BestNot Peer Reviewed
The History of Sir John Oldcastle (Folio 3, 1664)
2233Lord Cobham comes out stealing in his gown. 2234Cob. Harpool, Harpool, I hear a marvellous noi
se about
2235the hou
se, God warrant us, I fear we are pur
2237Har. within. Who calls there?
2238Cob. 'Tis I, do
st thou not hear a noi
se about the hou
2239Har. Yes marry do I, zounds I cannot
find my ho
Irish ra
scal that lodg'd with me all night, hath
2241my apparel, and has left me nothing but a low
sie mantle,
2242and a pair of broags. Get up, get up, and if the Carrier
2243and his wench be a
sleep, change you with him as he hath
2244done with me, and
see if we can