Authors: Anonymous, Michael Drayton, Richard Hathway, Antony Munday, William Shakespeare, Robert WilsonEditor: Michael BestNot Peer Reviewed
The History of Sir John Oldcastle (Folio 3, 1664)
2361Enter the host of the house with the Irishman. 2362Irish. Be me tro Me
ster is poor
Irisman, is want lud
- 2363ging, is have no mony, is
starve and cold, good Me
2364give her
some meat, is fami
se and tye.
2365Host. Faith fellow I have no lodging, but what I keep
2366for my Gue
sse: as for meat, thou
shalt have as much as
2367there is, and if thou wilt lie in the barn, there's fair
2369Irish. Is tank my Me
ster hertily.
2372Host. Shew this poor
Irishman to the barn, go