1060.1[Scene 13] [Video Sc.13] I have been over-negligent today
13.21063In going to the temple of my God
13.31064To render thanks for all his benefits
13.41065Which he miraculously hath bestowed on me
13.51066In raising me out of my mean estate
13.61067Whenas I was devoid of worldly friends
13.71068And placing me in such a sweet content
13.81069As far exceeds the reach of my deserts.
13.91070My kingly husband, mirror of his time
13.101071For zeal, for justice, kindness, and for care
13.111072To God, his subjects, me, and common weal,
13.121073By His appointment was ordained for me.
13.131074I cannot wish the thing that I do want,
13.141075I cannot want the thing but I may have,
13.151076Save only this which I shall ne'er obtain:
13.161077My father's love. Oh, this I ne'er shall gain.
13.191080Barefoot, I would on pilgrimage set forth
13.201081Unto the furthest quarters of the earth,
13.211082And all my lifetime would I sackcloth wear,
13.221083And mourning-wise pour dust upon my head,
13.231084So he but to forgive me once would please,
13.241085That his grey hairs might go to heaven in peace.
13.251086And yet I know not how I him offended,
13.261087Or wherein justly I have deserved blame.
13.271088O sisters! You are much to blame in this:
13.281089It was not he but you that did me wrong.
13.291090Yet God forgive both him and you and me,
13.311092I will to church and pray unto my savior
13.321093That, ere I die, I may obtain his favor.