Not Peer Reviewed
- Edition: Edward III
Edward III (Quarto 1, 1596)
- Introduction
- Texts of this edition
- Facsimiles
The Raigne of King
2569How ere it fals, it cannot be so bad,
2570as ours hath bin since we ariude in France.
2573Pri: Now father this petition Edward makes,
2577So thou wilt grant that many princes more,
2578Bred and brought vp within that little Isle,
2580and for my part, the bloudie scars I beare,
2581The wearie nights that I haue watcht in field,
2583The fearefull menaces were proffered me,
2585I wish were now redoubled twentie fold,
2586So that hereafter ages when they reade
2587The painfull traffike of my tender youth
2589as not the territories of France alone,
2590But likewise Spain, Turkie, and what countries els
2591That iustly would prouoke faire Englands ire,
2592Might at their presence tremble and retire.
2594an intercession of our painfull armes,
2597a daie or two within this hauen towne,
2598God willing then for England wele be shipt,
2600Ariue three kings, two princes, and a queene.