Not Peer Reviewed
- Edition: Edward III
Edward III (Quarto 1, 1596)
- Introduction
- Texts of this edition
- Facsimiles
Edward the third.
1925And eie lesse terror of all ending night.
1927That they haue made, faire Prince is wonderfull.
1928Before vs in the vallie lies the king,
1929Vantagd with all that heauen and earth can yeeld,
1930His partie stronger battaild then our whole:
1931His sonne the brauing Duke of Normandie,
1932Hath trimd the Mountaine on our right hand vp,
1935Aloft the which the Banners bannarets,
1937And beat the windes, that for their gaudinesse,
1939Phillip the younger issue of the king,
1940Coting the other hill in such arraie,
1941That all his guilded vpright pikes do seeme,
1942Streight trees of gold, the pendant leaues,
1943And their deuice of Antique heraldry,
1945Makes it the Orchard of the Hesperides,
1946Behinde vs two the hill doth beare his height,
1947For like a halfe Moone opening but one way,
1948It rounds vs in, there at our backs are lodgd,
1949The fatall Crosbowes, and the battaile there,
1950Is gouernd by the rough Chattillion,
1952The king binds in, the hils on either hand,
1953Are proudly royalized by his sonnes,
1954And on the Hill behind stands certaine death,
1955In pay and seruice with Chattillion.
1956Pr: Deathes name is much more mightie then his deeds,
1957Thy parcelling this power hath made it more,
1960Then all the world, and call it but a power:
1961Easely tane vp and quickly throwne away,
2 The