Not Peer Reviewed
- Edition: Edward III
Edward III (Quarto 1, 1596)
- Introduction
- Texts of this edition
- Facsimiles
The Raigne of king
2415Enter Copland and King Dauid.
2416De, Copland my Lord, and Dauid King of Scots:
2418 North,
2419That would not yeeld his prisoner to my Queen,
2425But my desert and publike law at armes.
2428The least preheminence that I had won.
2429And Copland straight vpon your highnes charge,
2430Is come to Fraunce, and with a lowly minde,
2431Doth vale the bonnet of his victory:
2432Receiue dread Lorde the custome of my fraught,
2433The wealthie tribute of my laboring hands,
2435Had but your gratious selfe bin there in place,
2440But to his person I will bend my knee.
2442This man doth please mee, and I like his words,
2443For what is he that will attmpt great deeds,
2445all riuers haue recourse vnto the Sea,
2446and Coplands faith relation to his king,
2448and to maintayne thy state I freely giue,
2449Fiue hundred marks a yeere to thee and thine.
2450welcom lord Salisburie, what news from Brittaine
2451Enter Salsbury.
2452Sa: This mightie king, the Country we haue won,