Not Peer Reviewed
- Edition: Edward III
Edward III (Quarto 1, 1596)
- Introduction
- Texts of this edition
- Facsimiles
Edward the third.
1568Then by the ennimie a thousand fold.
1571Enter King Edward and Audley.
1573With draw our powers vnto this little hill,
1578How are we bound to praise thy wondrous works,
1579That hast this day giuen way vnto the right,
1581Enter Artoys.
1586With turning Frenchmen, whom he did persue,
1590And he is laboring for a knighthood man.
1591Enter Derby.
1594Ki: Then will he win a world of honor to,
1595If he by vallour can redeeme him thence,
1596If not, what remedy, we haue more sonnes,
1597Then one to comfort our declyning age.
1598Enter Audley.
1599Au, Renowned Edward, giue me leaue I pray,
1600To lead my souldiers where I may releeue,
1602The snares of French, like Emmets on a banke,
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