Not Peer Reviewed
- Edition: Edward III
Edward III (Quarto 1, 1596)
- Introduction
- Texts of this edition
- Facsimiles
Edward the third.
2000My mercie on his coward burgonet.
2001Tell him my colours are as red as his,
2003returne him my defiance in his face.
2004He. I go.
2005Enter another.
2006Pr: What newes with thee?
2008Pittying thy youth is so ingirt with perill,
2009By me hath sent a nimble ioynted iennet,
2017And double guild my spurs, but I will catch him,
2018So tell the capring boy, and get thee gone.
2019Enter another.
2022Seeing thy bodies liuing date expird,
2023All full of charitie and christian loue,
2024Commends this booke full fraught with prayers,
2025To thy faire hand, and for thy houre of lyfe,
2026Intreats thee that thou meditate therein,
2027And arme thy soule for hir long iourney towards.
2028Thus haue I done his bidding, and returne.
2029Pr. Herald of Phillip greet thy Lord from me,
2030All good that he can send I can receiue,
2032Hath wrongd himselfe in this far tendering me,
2033Happily he cannot praie without the booke,
2034I thinke him no diuine extemporall,
2035Then render backe this common place of prayer,
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