about Nothing.
155137Leon. Plea
se it your grace leade on?
156138Pedro Your hand Leonato, we wil go together.
157139Exeunt. Manent Benedicke & Claudio. 158140Clau. Benedicke, did
st thou note the daughter of Signior
(Leonato? 160141Bene. I noted her not, but I lookte on her,
161142Clau. Is
she not a mode
st yong ladie?
162143Bene. Do you que
stion me as an hone
st man
should doe,
163144for my
simple true iudgement? or would you haue me
164145after my cu
stome, as being a profe
ssed tyrant to their
166146Claudio No, I pray thee
speake in
sober iudgement.
167147Bene. Why yfaith me thinks
shees too low for a hie prai
168148too browne for a faire prai
se, and too litle for a great prai
se, on
- 169149lie this commendation I can a
ffoord her, that were
shee other
she is,
she were vnhan
some, and being no other, but as
172152Claudio Thou thinke
st I am in
sport, I pray thee tell mee
173153truelie how thou lik'
st her.
174154Bene. Would you buie her that you enquier after her?
176155Claudio Can the world buie
such a iewel?
177156Bene. Yea, and a ca
se to putte it into, but
speake you this
178157with a
sad brow? or doe you play the
flowting iacke, to tell vs
179158Cupid is a good Hare-
finder, and Vulcan a rare Carpenter:
180159Come, in what key
shall a man take you to go in the
182160Claudio In mine eie,
shee is the
st Ladie that euer I
184162Bened. I can
see yet without
ctacles, and I
see no
185163matter: theres her co
sin, and
she were not po
st with a fury,
186164exceedes her as much in beautie, as the
st of Maie dooth the
st of December: but I hope you haue no intent to turne hu
s- 189167Claudio I would
scarce tru
st my
selfe, though I had
190168the contrarie, if Hero would be my wife.
191169Bened. I
st come to this? in faith hath not the worlde one
192170man but he will weare his cappe with
shall I neuer
193171see a batcheller of three
score againe? go to yfaith, and thou wilt
194172needes thru
st thy necke into a yoke, weare the print of it, and
195173sigh away
sundaies: looke, don Pedro is returned to
seeke you.
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