Much adoe
13591281and pre
sently call the re
st of the watch together, and thanke
13611283Verges If he wil not
stand when he is bidden, he is none of
13631285Dogbery True, and they are to meddle with none but the
cts: you
shall al
so make no noi
se in the
13651287for, for the watch to babble and to talke, is mo
st tollerable, and
13671289Watch We will rather
sleepe than talke, we know what be
- 13691291Dogbery Why you
speake like an antient and mo
st quiet
13701292watchman, for I cannot
see how
should o
ffend: one
- 13711293ly haue a care that your billes bee not
stolne: well, you are to
13721294cal at al the alehou
ses, and bid tho
se that are drunke get them to
13751297Dogbery Why then let them alone til they are
sober, if they
13761298make you not then the better an
swer, you may
say, they are not
13791301Dogbery If you meete a thiefe, you may
ct him, by
13801302vertue of your o
ffice, to be no true man: and for
such kind of
13811303men, the le
sse you meddle or make with them, why the more
13831305Watch If we know him to be a thiefe,
shal we not lay hands
13851307Dogbery Truely by your o
ffice you may, but I thinke they
13861308that touch pitch will be de
filde: the mo
st peaceable way for
13871309you, if you doe take a thiefe, is, to let him
shew him
selfe what
13881310he is, and
steale out of your companie.
13891311Verges You haue beene alwayes called a mercifull manne,
13901313Dog. Truely I would not hang a dogge by my will, much
13911314more a man who hath anie hone
stie in him.
13921315Verges If you heare a child crie in the night you mu
st call to
13941317Watch How if the nur
se be a
sleepe and will not heare vs.