about Nothing.
20101915Ke. Pray write downe Borachio. Yours
20111916Con. I am a gentleman
sir, and my name is Conrade.
20121917Ke. Write downe mai
ster gentleman Conrade: mai
1919Both Yea
sir we hope.
1920Kem. Write downe, that they hope they
serue God: and
1921write God
st, for God defend but God
shoulde goe before
1922such villaines: mai
sters, it is prooued alreadie that you are little
20141923better than fal
se knaues, and it will go neere to be thought
20151924shortly, how an
swer you for your
20171925Con. Mary
sir we
say, we are none.
20181926Kemp A maruellous witty fellowe I a
ssure you, but I will
20191927go about with him: come you hither
sirra, a word in your eare
20201928sir, I
say to you it is thought you are fal
se knaues.
20221929Bor. Sir, I
say to you, we are none.
20231930Kemp VVel,
stand a
side, fore God they are both in a tale:
20241931haue you writ downe, that they are none?
20251932Sexton Ma
ster con
stable, you go not the way to examine,
20261933you mu
st call foorth the watch that are their accu
20281934Kemp Yea mary, thats the efte
st way, let the watch come
20291935forth: ma
sters, I charge you in the Princes name accu
se the
20311937Watch 1 This man
sir, that don Iohn the Princes bro
- 20331939Kemp Write downe, prince Iohn a villaine: why this is
20341940periurie, to call a Princes brother villaine.
20361942Kemp Pray thee fellowe peace, I doe not like thy looke I
20381944Sexton VVhat heard you him
say el
20391945Watch 2 Mary that he had receiued a thou
sand duckats of
20401946don Iohn, for accu
sing the Ladie Hero wrongfully.
20421947Kemp Flat burglarie as euer was committed.