Much adoe
12071134Beleeue it better then reportingly.
12081135 Enter Prince, Claudio, Benedicke, and Leonato. 12091136Prince I doe but
stay til your mariage be con
summate, and
12111138Claud. Ile bring you thither my lord, if youle vouch
12131140Prince Nay that would be as great a
soyle in the new glo
12141141of your marriage, as to
shew a child his new coate and forbid
12151142him to weare it, I wil only be bold with Benedick for his com
- 12161143pany, for from the crowne of his head, to the
sole of his foot,
12171144he is al mirth, he hath twice or thrice cut Cupides bow-
12181145and the little hang-man dare not
shoot at him, he hath a heart
sound as a bell, and his tongue is the clapper, for what his
12201147heart thinkes, his tongue
12221148Bene. Gallants, I am not as I haue bin.
12231149Leo. So
say I, me thinkes you are
12251151Prince Hang him truant, theres no true drop of bloud in
12261152him to be truly toucht with loue, if he be
sadde, he wantes mo
- 12311157Clau. You mu
st hang it
st, and draw it afterwards.
12321158Prince What?
sigh for the tooth-ach.
12331159Leon. Where is but a humour or a worme.
12341160Bene. Wel, euery one cannot ma
ster a griefe, but he that
12371163Prince There is no appeerance of fancie in him, vnle
sse it
12381164be a fancy that he hath to
strange di
ses, as to be a Dutch
- 12391165man to day, a French-man to morrow, or in the
shape of two
1166countries at once, as a Germaine from the wa
ste downward,
slops, and a Spaniard from the hip vpward, no dublet: vn
- 12401168le
sse he haue a fancie to this foolery, as it appeares he hath,
12411169he is no foole for fancy, as you would haue it appeare he